
Listen to the video and you’ll hear the trifling white chick name BLAKE MURPHY. To her small credit she seems to actually feel bad that she got an innocent man hemmed up. What incenses me the most is how these officers fawn all over her trying to console her but are totally dismissive to this law abiding citizen,

I’d go to a music festival like that if I liked the lineup....and lived reasonably within a day’s driving distance. Yeah having to bring your own weed definitely can make it uncomfortably risky traveling with it, but within a day’s drive like 8 hours? Done.

Seems like you took his argument pretty personal tho ;)

Stand Your Ground only works for Whites because is was only implemented for Whites.

Hmm maybe not. But smacking down your always trollish comments certainly makes me feel morally superior

I think black folks should just start dressing in Whiteface for whatever occasion. Wear cardigans or sweaters your around their neck, stiffen your butt checks up when you walk, talk with a real dorky nasal voice. Maybe carry a portable speaker playing a loop of the quote from the movie where Denzel Washington played

I can feel checking the original document for any evidence that can be found to identify the author, but he should NEVER give up possession of it. That’s when it all of the sudden gets ‘misplaced’ and there goes your evidence loophole for failing to establish chain of possession.

I’ll bite. So if she’s only mentally ill (and not just a prejudiced white woman) what was it that triggered her?  Could it be people in water?? Hmmm no doesn’t seem likely there were lots of other people there swimming and as she had on a bathing suit it looks like she was swimming too.  Hmm I guess my intellect just

my first thought is white supremacists may have kidnapped this child, this is Trump’s America

well then given that line of argument, how can you be mad when people tell you to shove that comment up ur arse?? Its just their opinion. If I felt like that I would just be satisfied in speaking my truth and ignore the other commenters.

Sobering point Eve makes about hip hop being male dominated. So many dope female emcees too like Jean Grae, Sonja Blade, Bahamadia; and that tour sounds like the shit!

Christianity actually has roots in Africa and we all know that Jesus was a black man so I really feel the ‘religion of the slavemaster’ argument against Christianity is played. Yeah white folk hijacked it an corrupted it, so let’s take it back, not demonize it.

that is not a tenet of real Christianity. It’s not possible to ‘pull one over’ on God. But I agree that a lot of self professed Christians are guilty of this.

Its all fun an games until someone shows up at your door an says “What’s up with all that shit you was talking”

From the comments on the page the game link goes to it appears the executable file either won’t start or is malware.

you sir have an appropriate name

I just perused the Jena Times newspaper site to see if perhaps there was a blurb about this. No such luck, but I did confirm this is possibly the whitest town in the whole South

As long as cowardly white people keep lying about almost everything race related under the sun. Our outrage is justified FUCK YOU!! And I could give a damn if this stays gray

as someone from Milwaukee (Wauwatosa is the burbs) this is not surprising. Incidents of this type in the city are rarely reported on nationally, and not even locally really. For instance the sparse reporting on this mainly focuses on the protest response from a Black Panther group rather than the actual incident that