
Surprising, not.

na, the Nevada statute uses the word ‘operate’, definition of the word implies movement of a vehicle, case dismissed.

so...the allegations are ‘unacceptable’ but are they true??  I’m not seeing a denial here.

“We never looked at it as a Black man before,”....

probably stayed at a Holiday Inn night before

Nice observation Marceline and very correct...but let’s continue to shine a light on this shall we

Not to you in particular but you know the Oscars is a a produced show that employs writers. I’m sure Chris writes most of his material but did he write that joke for the Oscar monologue? Secondly, Chris Rock ain’t the only guy who’s had Jada Pinkett’s name in they mouth for various reasons, publicly and privately. He

Hey, he feared for his life.  Nuff said right?

If I’m her daddy that cracker is dead.  I’ll stay in the grays...

I seen dudes get caught in the act of cheating by they girlfriends with better fake tears than these

For fux sake they hired a black-lady owned business to do this black-centric marketing why can’t you just be happy with that regardless of how ‘cringy’ it makes you feel golly gee willikers” is what I’m hearing

Don’t you ever feel infringed upon because you are ‘banned’ from wearing these colors freely? I remember seeing a Greek almost get his wig pushed back because he approached the wrong dude about wearing a damn purple tank top. There has to be a line. On a college campus ok, but out in the real world you better keep

Uh white actors on mostly white tv shows have been doing this for decades with actual predominantly white GLOs, do some googling

Nailed it for all the ‘gamer’ dads

Cox is a huge Initial D fan”


So is The Root just blatantly full of Suns fans?  Cuz you know Giannis has worked very hard and deserves a ring also....or maybe our city just isn’t ‘black enough’ for y’all even though the black folks here helped save the country from Trump 2.0....but continue with your shade, it’s always been Milwaukee vs. Everybody

Robin Steenman, head of the Williamson County chapter of Moms for Liberty, said at an recent event held by the organization that “Ruby Bridges Goes to School,” was particularly problematic because the “large crowd of angry white people who didn’t want Black children in a white school” too harshly delineated between

Nah Bill. Sure you can find a lot of cases of Black folks being violent in public...but I bet you won’t find one about a 77 year old Black grandmother slapping some blond haired teen upside the head with a burger unprovoked. Or when’s the last time we’ve heard about a group of Black teens harassing white people in

In case you still don’t get it ‘chief’, the reason your white fragility is showing is cuz your gut reaction is to think “Oh no, don’t villainize poor white kids in Texas!” instead of “I’m shocked human beings can treat each other this way!”.  And please spare us the “I’m not condoning...” response, if you really give