
Gotta change the name of the ‘impossible’ mode to ‘improbable’ now.

From what I’ve seen of BG3, I just assumed it was Divinity with a Baldur’s Gate skin (which is fine by me but I can see it disappointing OG fans). I don’t really see that much different, and I kind of expect that if another Divinity game came out, it would bring forward systems from BG3.

I don’t know about this. I really doubt intimacy coordinators can really stop a bear from doing what it wants if it decides to go off script.

60 frames I agree with, but 4k? Who games in 4k on PC? I feel like reasonable monitor sizes in a desk space doesn’t take advantage of the tech unlike a 4k TV in a livingroom. 

I guess I shouldn’t feel bad for skipping the openings. Conversely, am I the problem for skipping openings when it’s done by actual people?

Ideally, no person should be represented. You can’t tell me that this isn’t the worst part of every conference/presentation/showcase/direct/whatever. Everyone has eyes on these events specifically just to see trailers and gameplay, and whenever a person steps inbetween that and the audience, people hate it. They

I’m okay with one less actor/celebrity appearing during gaming events and making speeches for what is certainly not anything about the game they’re paid to promote. If Nic Cage and Keanu Reeves decided to not show up, the event would be no worse or better (no offense to them I’m a fan of both of them actually, but it

Well, games cost $70 now. There’s that now.

You might have to explain this calculation to me as if I’m a baby, because I really can’t piece much of it together. I’m probably misunderstanding what you’re trying to convey, but I don’t think anyone actually pays to use or access servers. Twitch is a free** service that allows anyone to stream to potentially

It’s not that hard to imagine. We already have digital assistants like Alexa and Siri, etc. Asking an NPC about what they know (or should depending on the scenario/circumstance) is within scope. And everything an NPC doesn’t know can be answered with ‘Yeah bro, I don’t know what that is. Sorry.’ or similar. This

Less of a “hit” and more of a “hit and run”

I bet during this offtime, everyone will be practicing their golf swings.

Really, Flareon? I would think Vaporeon would have the better fit here.

And some people still say Playstation has no game.

When has a merger/acquisition ever resulted in better consumer experience? Genuinely curious.

Complaints on meta would have more merit if the game had difficult content clear. As it stands now, the difficulty curve in the game is still a plateau. It’s hard until it’s not, and then becomes trivial with time. The spiral abyss is currently the hardest it’s ever been, but it’s still business as usual for whales

I’m against the ‘button to reveal things’ mechanic. Players will end up playing half the game in a visually dull detective mode or will continually spam the button every time they enter a room. Which at that point, why not just have the feature on at all times? I enjoyed my time with Batman Arkham Asylum, but I have

Props to Pedro Pascal who nailed the delivery of the iconic line: “You know Ellie, we really are the last of us.” It really adds a lot to Joel’s character and the show/game’s underlying themes.

This reminds me of times back in the PS3 and Xbox 360 days where the PS3 versions were ‘buggier’. If a game was multiplatform, the most stable version would be Xbox version and the excuse thrown around was because of the PS3's cell processing and it being a hassle to develop around. Games back then seemed to be

It’s funny that people refer to Genshin as a waifu collector when it sells its male characters so hard. At times, I feel like the audience the game is appealing to are the female fans. If you’re into husbandos, there’s pretty good material to work with there.