
Camaign? Sure, there’s already proof that games can run well if it’s optimized enough. Online multi-player though? That’s kind of the deal breaker for most people.

I can't imagine CoD running well on a Nintendo console when it's already a crapshoot whether Nintendo games run well on their console.

I assume it’s 5 star list (with reasonable exceptions) otherwise Thoma and Beidou would be obvious shoe-ins.

I am unreasonably upset that the deal is $69 billion dollars. Like, I can picture these lawyers around a table making the offer: “What about $70 billion?” “No, make it $69 billion.” “Nice.” Was this on purpose? Is it some kind of juvenile joke? Who are these people handling these massive cash transactions?

Interesting to note, this policy seems to run in line with the ‘get your politics out my game’ tantrums. A lot of people have covered in the past that video games are inherently political and cultural impact plus current political climate are things that should be discussed along with games. I get why the ban

Or they’re warning you about the serial killer hiding in your backseat who ducks every time they shine their lights. 

This could have been an emai- I mean article. 

The only way to beat A.I. is to become A.I.

Artists should be compensated. The question is how and who. High on Life used A.I. art, so I would think the game studio would be liable for infringing on copyright, not the company who made the tool. Though, is a tool maker completely off the hook? Should they be? These are details that need to be ironed out. We know

I have no problem with suing the ‘Skynet’ of this situation, but from my understanding, the issue isn’t using training databases, but the fact that A.I. can be trained on anything outside the control of these companies. (We’re also dancing around the fact that there’s much needed legislation regarding A.I. And

I do wonder what the endgoal of the lawsuit is. Since it targets A.I. companies and Deviantart and not actually the persons using the tools (which I imagine would be a legal nightmare), how are they expected to ‘put jack back in the box’? I imagine its purpose is to curtail the progress of A.I art, but do these

They’re all guilty of sexual exploitation. There really isn’t a way around it. I can’t see a way of coming out of this situation thinking that a person is innocent, even if they were ‘just following orders’ (which is a terrible argument that never holds up). It’s respectable she’s keeping them employed, but I can’t

I get what you’re saying. Normally, that’d be the right thing to do. What feels complicated here is that (and these are reasonable assumptions) these people were probably hired by the husband to exploit her, they had no problems with exploiting her, and now she’s responsible to make them happy? From my understanding, t

Now playing

All this A.I. tech will eventually lead up to this moment. That’s all I keep thinking about.

I think this is an instance where laying people off would be completely understandable and no one would bat an eye as to why. Someone who doesn’t want to ‘sell their sexuality’ should not feel obligated to keep the people whose job it is to do that employed. And it’s not a good look for employees to object to this,

Alternative to skins with sound. Make it like Devil May Cry 5 where you have a jammin theme song that plays louder the better you’re doing.

The most surprising thing to me is that, out of all mediums, A.I. art isn’t embraced by video game culture THE MOST. Games have always been technology dependent and game design is heavily lifted on shortcuts to make the most of hardware limitations. There’s also the fact that there’s an entire genre, roguelikes,

On a tangent, I want to point out that A.I. art is probably how people will accidently create sentient artificial life, which is through the capitalistic pursuit to avoid plagiarism arguments and to make better looking hands.

I see the war against A.I. art as losing battle. A.I. art is still in its early stages and only stands to improve as time goes on. As more people identify the limitations of A.I. art, it only serves as bullet points of focus for its next iteration. It’s an eventuality that A.I. will become near impossible to identify.

Sure, it’s fun looking at it from the outside in, but inside the ‘Pokemon world’, Pokemon seem to be involved in every facet of life. The whole world revolves around them and every NPC seems to have nothing but great things to say about Pokemon. There is no life you can have that doesn’t include Pokemon. And I feel