the royal we


This woman is a literal human trafficker and slaver, her being strip searched (which is standard procedure for all inmates) is perhaps the least barbaric part of this entire affair.

At least she didn't equal being Latino with cholo.
Right, Jezebel?!

I'm willing to take the risk because you know what- I call it like I see it, it's not fair to put Brit on blast and not take responsibility for doing the exact same thing only a few days before. ( it Kindof makes me sad that it works that way around here because I really hate being grey, oh well :,( )

Oh. So there are no editors? And you guys just post whatever the fuck? Good to know. Don't get mad and commenters because your shit stinks, and doesn't smell like roses as you previously assumed. That article yesterday, along w/ the r kelly ones, and the #solidarityisforwhitewomen, the chris brown thing, and countless

Mrs. Otey: Ohhhhh, he's so beautiful. He has your eyes!

Dear god THANK you. Every time I read more of this "cultural appropriation" bullshit I think, here's one more person who is so hung up on racial issues that they can't see the people that make up the culture. For all of human history, culture is exchange - that's how it changes and grows, and how people learn about

I don't want to read a lecture on race from someone who says "her albino boyfriend" and pulls a "I know all about this because my neighbor is Mexican." Learn the basics of jargon before you talk about this in public. Every single person on this site knows more than you about this.

To be fair Jay Mohr is the comedy equivalent of Danica Patrick's NASCAR record.

Terrible photojournalism here. The camera is pointed in the wrong direction. To see and understand the heart of JoePa you just have to look the other way.

In order to make the statue appear more lifelike they buried his head in the sand.

"Geez, act like you've been there before."

I think you should let the bully have his fun, then hope he moves on to weaker prey.

This is sweet, but did they really have to gun down his parents first?

The most amazing thing by far happens at :54, when you realize that Jermaine O'Neal is still in the league.

[Tracy Porter intercepts sigh]

"I am going to flick her without a condom and cook in her condo."

That wrong isn't really a wrong because something far away and barely tangentially-related is MORE wrong!