Haha, support for literacy tests for voting from people complaining about others' lack of knowledge about black history—and only one person even called you out on it!. Jezebel posters, you are FUCKING IDIOTS.
Haha, support for literacy tests for voting from people complaining about others' lack of knowledge about black history—and only one person even called you out on it!. Jezebel posters, you are FUCKING IDIOTS.
I can't find anyone named "Solange Truth" except a spam Twitter account with 0 followers. Presumably you meant "Sojourner Truth." Acting more informed than someone else while revealing your own total unfamiliarity with the subject (and getting likes for it!) is just so Jezebel.
Keep pretending that the posters on Jezebel in any way represent feminism or women as a whole and then assuming the only reason that a person can disagree with you fruitcakes is misogyny, that should prevent any dangerous thoughts from ever entering your diseased brain.
Your conception that you somehow deserve not to be condescended to will not last outside of the Jezebel hugbox.
Why is publicizing information about sexual assaults supposed to "keep women safe?" I thought changing your behavior in any way out of concern for your own safety is "victim-blaming?"
And to answer your question, lady, I come here to try to shake some sense into you morons, and let any sane women who found this site thinking it was a feminist resource know that it's no such thing. You housebound depression cases don't just think that gay people are hilarious for existing, you're fucking ASTOUNDED…
Why would anyone need to leave Jezebel to be homophobic?
Right, the women who post on this website are horrible, racist, homophobic cunts whose view of reality is warped by the fact that they are too depressed to leave their houses and sit at home watching TV all day and formulating bizarre theories about "cultural appropriation" and how prostitutes and porn stars are the…
I don't hate women, just Jezebel posters.
The cat-hoarding cunts on this website already think that gay men are the cause of misogyny, it's not surprising that their existence is a joke too.
You sound like part of the problem, and I commend you on the intellectual dishonesty required to end your post with "don't put words into people's mouths" when accusing me of supporting the criminalization of prostitution ("sex work" is the sanitized bullshit term for what Misty does, prostitution is what actually…
Cops aren't worth much, but if you have an attorney pressing for you it will get more done than dealing with the idiots who run universities — and whose agenda is always "keep things quiet, even at the expense of telling a rape victim to go fuck herself or an innocent accused person to plead guilty or be expelled,…
If you don't think an actual vegan (especially one who thinks that veganism contains magic anti-sickness rays) could be so stupid as to think that rice isn't vegan, you've probably never met one.
Haha, an actual fucking anti-GMO activist. Tell me what you think of global warming / evolution / the use of the devil's sticks to create fire, asshole!
Uh, people say that on here ALL THE TIME. "Don't talk about sex trafficking/the reality of what 99% of prostitution is — I have decided that middle aged women named Misty deciding to be sexually liberated is what prostitution is all about and anyone who says different is shaming my choices and being sex-negative" is…
The kangaroo court system at colleges neither secures justice for victims nor protects the rights of the accused. The best solution to this problem is to get a lawyer and insist on using the real legal system. I wish Jezebel would focus more on this sort of thing than nonsense like "cultural appropriation" and…
America had a few people who know that any "Twitter backlash" story is easy clickbait for the Gawker network bitch about a Cheerios commercial on Twitter. Italy is trying to put someone in prison for life because her possible consorting with a black male proves that she is a witch. Nice attempt to conflate the two to…
Shh. Facts have no place here, there's a bunch of losers in Che shirts articulating their very serious philosophy of [s]NO FUCK *YOU*, DAD[/s] Marxist-Leninist thought.
"The numbers that show the wage gap isn't real are contemptible mansplaining, I've already emoted my way to the real truth of this problem, therefore anyone who shows me that reality disagrees is a rape apologist" is 100%, uncut pure colombian Jezebel.
The Jezebel catladytariat has already emoted its way to the real truth on this issue. Don't try to bring in facts or reasoning, you mansplainer.