the royal we

Anyone who tries to use numbers to explain facts is now an "MRA." Jezebel, you've done it again.

The people "protesting" someone as they are, in fact, being charged with a crime sure sound like a group that needs a more demanding job.

The unspeakably evil soul of the animal rights movement, ladies and gentlemen.

"Najor was subsequently fired; however, a Warren's police offcers' union is challenging that decision. They have filed an arbitration to contest her termination."

Uh, no, I don't think that, YOU think that. The "cultural appropriation" brigade is the one going around the Internet screaming that "shaking your ass" is synonymous with "black culture." This latest attempt by sad white mental cases to legitimize their existence by accusing everyone else of racism is of course, at

I'm saying that missing out on the huge point which is that white Elvis fans wanted something edgy but would never accept it from a black performer — because they were racists — and to instead elide that into "viewing black people as cool" is to completely misunderstand the racial dynamics that you are referring to.

Being black was not popular with white people in 1955. No state Elvis ever lived in even had integrated schools by 1955.

I love how all of the "there is no echo chamber! everyone actually thinks this way, it's not that we run off anyone with a dissenting opinion!" posts all feel obligated to include accusations of "trolling." Because no one could possibly disagree with your for real, it's all an act.

"Singling out."

Yeah, the point is that when you post on Jezebel, which is a huge echo-chamber where any sane opinion is blocked out, you get a very distorted view of how real people think. That you were actually surprised that "cultural appropriation," a thing invented by nutballs on Gawker sites and Tumblr who can't feel alive if

Can I live in your world where "a white woman once danced in the same way a black woman previously did" is what constitutes a "civil rights issue?" I don't know what a hashtag-obummer is, but I do know that any place where that actually is the worst thing a black or gay person has to worry about would be pretty great

That's...the exact opposite of Elvis, who had to constantly obfuscate the black origins of his music because the KKK members opposed to "race mixing" —err, excuse me, the people speaking out against cultural appropriation— of his day were trying to use "this came from black people therefore it's bad for a white person

I don't know who Stan is, I assume that's a reference to some stupid geek media that I don't care about because I'm an adult.

Funny how the only black people I've ever met who give a shit about this bullshit non-issue are on the Internet, where we can all be whatever race is most rhetorically convenient for racking up argument points.

"Cultural appropriation" isn't really a thing, so the fact that even with a captive audience of people ready to treat you as an authority figure, you couldn't get anyone else to live in your fantasy universe isn't suprising.

There's absolutely no question to those of us who are mental adults and have no emotional interest in who does or does not like Miley Cyrus that:

The "reasonable point of view" would be to point out that there's 100 men who don't conform to every masculine gender stereotype for every 1 who actually is a transsexual, and this is more about gender roles and the obsession with declaring anyone who isn't a lumberjack as a secret gay or trans person than

I give it six weeks until Jezebel puts a $20K bounty out for operating room pictures of his surgery.

The American legal system is FAR from perfect, but I am pretty confident you cannot put someone on trial here for murder on the theory that she is literally a witch who used her magic powers to commit a murder without leaving any evidence behind (and her lack of motive easily explained as a sacrifice to Satan), then

Fair point, though right now the comment has 13 likes, and I have seen this sentiment expressed over and over again here.