the royal we

A Family Guy fan thinks acknowledging the existence of a thing from pop culture in the most cursory way possible constitutes a "joke."

You can't have it both ways. If a men's magazine that intimates the side effects of sexual violence is literally Hitler, then the actual sexual fetishizing of rape and violence can't exist in a vacuum.

Oh, I see the ignorant mommybloggers are here to tell science to suck it and declare that "no fancy egghead is gon tell me not to hit muh kids!"

Come on, let's not pretend you wouldn't be running to your computer to complain about "erasure" if they showed a black character playing a race-neutral role (which they did several times last night, e.g. Jay Pharaoh's principal character, but again, no pleasing Jezebel ever!)

Jezebel: Where it's unacceptable for black people to play people from Africa, and "political science professor" is a demeaning black stereotype.

Yes, if you're going to be stupid enough to be religious, don't drag everyone else down to your level by demanding we *respect* you for it.

People who have six-figure law jobs don't get bogged down with nonsense like "mansplaining." You need to be a grafted-to-the-couch Jezebel poster waiting for your next SSI check to care about that sort of nonsense. No surprise that such a group is in such a tizzy over a series of tips that reduces to "hey, you have a

I bet he never even raped a 14-year-old Iraqi girl and then killed her whole family to cover it up! He hasn't EARNED that uniform.

A 21 year old buying a $2500 luxury item with a debit card that doesn't have her name on it is a red flag. Until there's some evidence that the same thing isn't done to a white person in Barney's, it's not racial profiling.

Move your mouse down a few inches — the War on Comedy is over at Jezebel, not here.

Even suggesting that such a thing is possible is fat-shaming!

Jezebel admitting that any woman anywhere is anything less than a perpetually raped slave would be retreating from their commitment to perpetual batshit victimhood. Nothing will ever be good enough.

The message that posting "What will Biology-Online do in the future to make sure that none of their employees perpetuate institutional racism and sexism? An apology is a good first step, but Biology-Online needs to address the corporate culture that spawned this response" in response to an immediate, profuse apology

It's completely disingenuous of Lindy and the rest of the War on Comedy brigade to claim that they are okay with certain types of rape jokes based on where they are "directed" when they will bust out "RAPE IS NEVER FUNNY" to beat down unapproved jokes, and the only standard there appears to be is whether the comedian

Fuck you for suing the stupid-ass "FREEZE PEACH" meme. Do you even understand what a pun is? It has to refer to a thing. A "freeze peach" is not a thing (a "frozen peach" isn't really a thing either). All you're doing is misspelling words! You are LITERALLY the caricature of a humorless feminism-bot trying to play in

As soon as the commenters around here find out that she disagrees with Obama like Gawker did today, they'll start tearing her to pieces too, so why waste effort on this piece?

It's a dangerous combination of governmental overreach, scared suburbanites demanding security theater, and the fact that the people who "work" for the TSA are social dregs who are completely unemployable anywhere else, or in other words, lack the intellectual capacity to figure out what will or will not make anyone

As usual with Jezebel, it's nearly impossible to tell if this comment is real or a parody, but just in case, I'd like to point out that "ass-shaking is what BLACK CULTURE IS" is incredibly, over-the-top racist.

At least someone around Eli Manning knows how to get open.

Yes, we should presume to tell everyone that rape is wrong, whether their "culture" is backwards and refuses to acknowledge this, or not.