Jezebel, where black people are stupid, untrustworthy, and racist because of the hypothetical possibility that they might disagree with Jezebel's all-white writing taff accusing Miley Cyrus of being racist for no reason.
Jezebel, where black people are stupid, untrustworthy, and racist because of the hypothetical possibility that they might disagree with Jezebel's all-white writing taff accusing Miley Cyrus of being racist for no reason.
The fact that you think commenting on a CULTURE can indicate what anyone thinks about a RACE shows just how illiterate you are.
You know, there was a very similar story about Andre Leon Talley where his fucked-up insistence that he's "not gay" because his insane, violent Southern Baptist grandmama wouldn't approve was held up as an unqualified good and anyone who said it was probably causing him deep torment and sending a terrible message to…
Lol at "I get gangbanged for a living therefore I am an 'expert' at the biology of disease transmission."
Indeed, publishing an article basically saying "half of America is murderous assholes!" is great clickbait and will get Erin a big bonus check from Denton this month. Good job.
I apologize for my completely insensitive and off-base comment that you agree is totally correct.
It's a great way for mildly autistic people who can't make friends on their own to have the high school experience perfectly replicated throughout college and adulthood, so that their friends and their social activities are assigned to them.
These issues are unrelated and the only way to tie them together is to force everyone to buy into all the talking points in the Obama hivemind.
This is the MMA "sport." Wife-beating rednecks, tatted-up meth heads, bums, and Nazi sympathizers from Scandinavia get together to kick each other while inebriated adolescents and bald guys from Brockton in sweatpants claim that anyone who likes sports more complicated than "try to kill the other guy" just doesn't…
Don't forget:
Who said anything about feminists? Thankfully for women the world over, Jezebel posters do not speak for feminists.
A Jezebel poster is here to explain why finding anything funny makes you literally Hitler. I call it...a day with a "y" in it.
A humorless person on Jezebel? Stop the fucking clocks!
"You should pay people more for menial labor!"
"Hey, stop thinking you can save Africa, you stupid privileged white people! Racists!" —a bunch of white gender studies majors who are lecturing the Masaai on how their choice to let this woman into their tribe was wrong
We're not all from CHICAWWWWWGO. Ketchup on a New York hot dog is a perfectly acceptable local option. Stop oppressing east coast culture with your Midwest privilege.
Yes. It means that there may be multiple opinions on women's issues within the Catholic Church and trying to handwave away the embarassing ones as somehow "not Catholic" is not any more valid than conservatives trying to pretend you don't count.
Your beliefs are stupid and you are stupid for having them.
The Real Catholics must be having a grand old time hanging out with The Real Communists, The Real Feminists, and The Real Muslims on some other planet, since nothing less than an entire duplicate Earth would be big enough to contain all the people who "don't speak for" organizations they belong to as soon as they say…
Tell me more about what great people bigots are and why I'm in the wrong for not wanting my rights taken away, O Idiot King of the Internet.