the royal we

A middle-aged person who is still showing up at his or her college's drunken-sex-venue (which is what frats and sororities are and no I don't want to hear about how you raised $15 at your charity car wash so shut up) to complain about "fatties" seems like perhaps the most pathetic person on the planet.

Make sure you keep posting within 10 minutes of any article on the Internet about a person with even $1 more than you about how angry you are at "the rich" and "the privileged." Doing that all day instead of working on your employability will surely fix your problems.

Lol at the idea that "victim blaming" is something people actually care about rather than another meaningless bludgeon from a fortune cookie that people on this website use to shout down anyone trying to introduce facts, reason, or dissent into their bubble of oppression olympics.

Wow, those Indian courts are really racist against Indians!

Leader of war on comedy denies war on comedy exists, shocking.

I absolutely agree with this, though I do note that here on Jezebel, the term "troll" serves exactly the same function of dismissing anything that the user doesn't agree with as somehow not being a legitimate point of view worth considering.

Well, I would say that when you place yourself above the law and constantly proclaim that you need more money and more exemption from civil rights protections because of the so-called "risk of being shot", even though cops are way down on the list of dangerous professions to begin with, you do have to actually take

So just to be clear on your position: saying that "it's racist to try to stop rape" is a good thing. Gotcha, loud on clear.

I won't apologize for wanting just one goddamn piece of food served south of the Maine state line to not be drowned in the devil's cum. "PUT SOME MAYO ON IT" is like, the opposite of the "eat real food, made of real ingredients, that you can taste" ethos you are propounding here.

In other words, the only oppression bisexuals suffer is when they choose to align themselves with gays, they have no unique problems, they can choose to present as straight whenever they want, and their "oh woe is me, so much of the dreaded BIPHOBIA from those mean old gays" routine is a bunch of nonsense. Yeah,

I wouldn't say that "LGBT" people have to deal with this. Gay people, including lesbians, do, because it's those deluded B's in LGBT putting forth the "there's no such thing as gays and there never was, we're all bisexual" line.

Why does the link for "this does not mean traditional expressions of gender will become illegal" go to a story about Sweden making traditional expressions of gender illegal? That's not how evidence works.

The idea that this site doesn't talk about rape in the U.S. is patently ridiculous.

According to this Internet personality's comment history, he is a man (an "extreme alpha" man according to his self-proclamations) though that same comment history also extolls the virtues of his Tumblr, and in this thread he says he doesn't have one, so, yeah, maybe this is a fictitious persona being created for the

I don't believe your Internet persona, and the only trigger you need to worry about is the one on the gun you should put in your mouth the next time you think about pulling this "you're racist for saying anything bad about Indian culture" horseshit.

He was fragged by his own platoon for expressing doubt about the war and being an atheist. HOO RAH

You're a piece of shit who cares more about impressing your Tumblr friends with your white guilt credentials than about the lives of 500 million women in India. Shut the fuck up.

People like you who are so far up the "social justice" meme's ass that they literally shout down attempts to stop women from being beaten and set on fire because you have convinced yourself that it's racist to care about these things should just fucking die. Jump off a bridge. Literally kill yourself. It will make the

Just wait until the backlash. No one is allowed to speak out about the problems with Islam for long until websites like this one try to destroy them.

My god, Lindy, you REALLY fucking HATE anybody who proves your brand of perverted pseudo-feminism wrong by being a woman who is good at something. It's palpable how much you want to destroy the successful. Get some fucking therapy.