the royal we

There's more comments on this article than there are "#slaneslut" tweets (even including the tweets condemning the hashtag as misogynist and/or posted in response to this article). Another "person on Twitter says a thing!!!!" noncontroversy ginned up for pageviews?

Slightly further than a cunt.

How did "no one" believe her if multiple other members of her family remember the events? Can someone do some actual journalism here and try to fill in the missing parts of this story?

How did "no one" believe her if multiple other members of her family remember the events? Can someone do some actual journalism here and try to fill in the missing parts of this story?

Hey: If you're too poor or too socially clueless to participate in the social norm of tipping 15% or more, don't eat at fucking restaurants.

Here is the answer: do not "respect" something just because it is part of a culture or religion and protect the human rights of all people, even if alleged "feminists" want to caterwaul that you're an "Islamophobe" for not wanting women to be treated as property.

Now that this breath of rational skepticism has been released, it's back to your regularly scheduled "Islam can do no wrong and atheists all hate women" knob-polishing of religion.

There will be a reckoning at some point when Asians get the self-confidence to deal with the naked, uncoded racism that affirmative action defenders (and most black leaders) display towards them.

Because the whole nonsense about "cultural appropriation" and white people declaring how non-racist they are by reducing the last 400 years of African-American culture to twerking (!!) is just a cover for the huge problem that Jezebel/tumblr style feminism has with catty tearing-down of successful women. If you're not

*He* can do whatever he wants. When *this site* holds up his confused, denying, straight-women-pleasing existence as the Ideal Gay, then I will criticize *this site* for sending a terrible message.

He's the one who fucking refuses to admit he's gay because he doesn't want to let down his fundamentalist grandma. Talk about conformity! This guy can't get over a religion that despises him and the obvious mental abuse he suffered growing up in that home as a child, and everyone else is the idiot for not thinking

Soccer fans are a fucking scourge on humanity. Go back to your shithole countries, you illiterate, racist pieces of fuck. Stop infecting our real sports with the insane nonsense you do to prevent yourself from clawing your eyes out in boredom at a soccer game.

Yes, "income varies significantly" between 50 Shades of Grey-reading housewife fantasies and the fucking reality of those "actual sex workers" whom you, apparently, are completely incapable of acknowledging.

That you are actually PROUD of judging arguments based on "tone rather than ideas" says a lot about you.

And with the dismissal of the slightest deviation from the hivemind as "trolling," the circle of Jezebel is complete.

Your argument is that this is not "literal"? Like, she's only metaphorically a prostitute and the rapes under discussion are some sort of allegory?

When this site presents stories, time and time again, of the suburban housewife fantasy of choosing to have an adventurous time as a high-class call girl, and actively pushes the narrative of that being what "sex work" is, as opposed to that being 1 case in 10,000 and the others being horrible rapes, that is actively

"I'll show my intellectual credibility by attacking people for using words that I should have learned in a 10th grade statistics class!"

You *don't* seem to know, or want other people to know, that the modal case for prostitution involves teenage drug addicts and kidnapping victims being raped. That's the point.

Anyway, what's loathsome is (as clearly established in my original post) shouting down any attempt to deal with the reality of what prostitution is (rape of teenage drug addicts) because some 'pro-domme' shithead is afraid of being 'labeled.' There are real women/girls suffering and trying to stop people from