the royal we

The fact that you personalize everything and perceive everything as an attack only suggests that whatever victimization makes you feel like a "sex worker" in your daily interactions with your boyfriend is coloring your judgment 24/7 and establishes my point.

Why would it sound like that? Do you have trouble comprehending English?

Jezebel: where women with corporate jobs, artistic talent, or happy marriages are derided as traitors, and porn stars and prostitutes are held up as feminist heroes.

Everyone knows that to be a good feminist, you should look at a 14-year-old heroin addict being threatened with a beating for not engaging in intercourse with a middle-aged man and go "this is the world I would like to see more of." That's what prostitution is—not elegant matrons engaging in "sex work" out of their

Are you so unable to conceptualize the existence of other people besides yourself that you don't understand the point here? Your experience as a "pro-domme" with a life of comfort and "co-workers" who you can go out to brunch with is ATYPICAL of "sex work." The vast majority of women and girls in "sex work" are

Well, surely continuing the Jezebel/Tumblr strategy of shouting down any attempt to study, criticize, or change India as racism will help solve this problem.

The women of this site and their annihilatory attitude towards actual gay people deserve insulting. You can't handle real homosexuals and you want mincing "men who have sex with men" who delude themselves for their whole lives with phantom "bisexuality" so that you can make them into your "besties" and talk about how

Gays are "ageist" and racist because sometimes they criticize people who are old or black, gays "define themselves by their sexuality" which you have decided is bad, gays are "biphobic," gays don't line up with the Bible's conception of "men who have sex with men" (another crock of shit term designed to elevate

Yes, keep listing all the things you hate about gay people and then talking about how tolerant and enlightened you are. Fucking idiot.

Oh boy, another dim bulb who can't handle a discussion and has to reach into the box of thought-terminating nonsense like "privilege." Guess what: this guy refuses to deal with homophobia because he won't admit he's gay, and you perpetuate homophobia by insisting that gays don't even exist. And you end with a quote

He doesn't sound comfortable at all, he sounds like he's a senior citizen still in denial. That's the point. His psychological torment shouldn't be held up as a role model. You deciding that all (actual, out) gay people are "too wrapped up in their sexuality" and should be more like your pet fashion magazine editor is

Jezebel: a site where straight women mascotize and infantilize gay men and tell them they don't know anything about homosexuals, to defend their fantasies of cuddly, castrated, "bisexual" fashion designers they can go to brunch with.

You want to define gay people via the BIBLE? Yeah, you sound like a real friend.

When "biphobia" is used to mean anyone who disagrees with the denial that gay people exist and the exalting of internalized homophobia, it's the only way of thinking.

On what fucking planet do people going "a religiously tormented weirdo who refuses to identify as gay because he can't get past issues with his grandmother and his upbringing is not a role model" get labeled the ones with the disorder?

Nobody outside of the people who write for fashion magazines knows who this person is, and your own issues with your sexuality won't be solved by loudly proclaiming that homosexuals don't exist.

Update from this morning: The Scientology-controlled LAPD has refused to investigate.

Most devout Hindus are fundamentalist intolerant types. Yoga, no matter how many times you pretend it isn't, is a Hindu religious practice.

It offers a "gluten-free online community"?

Is anyone who questions the Messiah a "troll" or just the ones who bring facts about his lack of meaningful action on gay rights in the country he actually controls?