the royal we

It's totally irresponsible to equate "trolling" with rape when this site routinely uses "troll" to mean anyone who disagrees with any article or comment for any reason. It's an extension of your War on Comedy bullshit—you can't just be an un-hip comedian, you have to be a RAPIST if Lindy doesn't approve of your jokes.

Expecting anyone around here to have a consistent philosophical framework is a bit optimistic.

Sorry that you don't believe in psychiatry. Would you like to share your thoughts on evolution and global warming next?

Because here at the Serious Feminist Website every second story has to be celebrity gossip or catty attempts to tear down famous women.

Heaven forbid that I defend Buzzfeed in general, but isn't it better to call attention to the fact that addiction and other mental illness is real and oftentimes fatal, even in a tasteless way, than to pretend it's just "identity" and anyone who has a problem with antisocial behavior is just "privileged" and working

Cultural relativism and the fear of "othering women" by stopping them from having their vaginas pulled out with a rusty knife are not "facts," they're opinions held by stupid people.

You're a fucking idiot, and whatever $50,000-a-year liberal arts college taught you to think this way should be burned to the ground.

You're exactly the type of dumb Tumblr-borne piece of shit that makes feminism looks insane.

Can someone let me in on the secret sorting system for when we are or are not racists for caring about the attitude of Muslims towards rape?

Just say your horse is for "emotional support," then anyone who doesn't want it shitting on their food is literally Hitler.

Don't try to provide better health care for women, because saying women can have health issues is sexist. Got it, Jezebel!

God, the attempts of this site to reconcile feminism with the realities of the porn industry will never stop being hilarious in their pretzel logic.

What he needs to do is pick up rape victims off the street and fuck them while they're still in PTSD, then abuse and plot to murder his girlfriend. Then instead of being criticized by Jezebel he could write for them like Hugo Schwyzer does.

Maybe don't have kids if you work at McDonalds?

Poor ignorant "Eurocentric" Americans and their disliking Hitler! When will we be enlightened.

How many other people who delight in killing children do you consider "fun to be around"?

Uh, if the video is fake then there is no "victim." Saying it doesn't matter to "victim-blaiming" is pretty dumb.

A fitting theme to the show...Zimmerman only murdered one kid, but McCarthy has the blood of thousands on her hands.

That's just a coke seizure.

I'm happy to have access to real sports here and not the formless, joyless exercise in nothing that is soccer, and I will continue to resist all attempts to crush America's spirit by imposing this fascist non-sport and all of the human garbage that attends it on us.