Yeah, when this happens at an American sport it's news. You know what you call it when brawls, fires, and racial taunts break out at a soccer game? A SOCCER GAME!
Yeah, when this happens at an American sport it's news. You know what you call it when brawls, fires, and racial taunts break out at a soccer game? A SOCCER GAME!
Oh no, a soccer fan! Are you going to throw a baggie of piss at me?
Soccer is to other countries what NASCAR and UFC are here—a place for the worst dregs of humanity to act like animals while an unwatchable "sport" provides a thin pretext for fifty thousand liquored-up bros looking to fight to gather in one place. You want soccer to catch on in the U.S., this comes with the territory.
Doesn't he know that it's only OK to pretend to be an Indian if you're running for Senator from Massachusetts?
Well, that's good, but then we have the problem with Jezebel, which is that:
I didn't mention anything about makeup but okay.
But you're not a real feminist if you eat meat, or believe in private property, or like porn, or don't like porn, or apply feminist reasoning to Islamic cultures, or enjoy standup comedy, or get married, or have kids, or don't breastfeed the kids you shouldn't have had, or if you buy into oppressive American standards…
These Egyptians should be ashamed of their colonialist, imperial, racist attitudes towards Egyptians!
Haha, this fucking website.
It's OK to like or not like things. Finding reasons that anything that anybody else likes is endorsing rape or generally participating in the War on Comedy is the problem.
Maria Bamford's great. So are Schumer and Silverman. But the people who are so angry at their own failure to achieve happiness that they have to destroy anything enjoyed by others can easily find something in Bamford's routine to complain about too, and they will.
God, there just isn't ANY comedy that the joyless harpies on this website won't scold people for enjoying, is there?
He forgot to mention that Iverson tried to murder a woman with a chair after starting a race riot at a bowling alley and was supposed to spend a decade in prison, but was pardoned by the governor on the grounds of good at basketball. He's a scumbag and the fact that you want us to care about him because he used to…
But the whole point of this discussion is that, just like everyone predicted, it sounds like this journal will not be about "diverse viewpoints" but about one particular pro-porn viewpoint, with a hefty dose of "science/statistics are part of the patriarchy and not to be trusted" coloring to defend that viewpoint.
What a piece of shit you are. "Gays need to get over themselves." Go choke on a cock in a very heterosexual manner, you stupid whore.
For bonus Lindy West points, use this in response to being challenged on whether your assertions are true. E.g.: can you provide some evidence that comedians have, in fact, incited gang rape in comedy clubs by telling "rape jokes" from the stage, as you asserted on Kamau Bell's show? Answer: FUCK OFF IT'S NOT MY JOB…
Ah yes, anyone who objects to this alleged "liberal" President being worth shit on gay rights and civil liberties must just be a racist! Keep drinking that Kool-Aid.
Are you....sure it's the pro-gun side and not the anti-gun side that insists gun crime is going up against all actual statistics?
I apologize in advance for everyone who is going to call you a racist for posting this.