
“after finally achieving superstardom with Let’s Dance”

Keep your beautiful dancing robots. I just want ugly, barely mobile machines that overheat whenever they do anything.

Us Chromehounds fans need to eat too, From.

And to those people, I say: “Come on, really? Come on.”

Where the hell is my new Chromehounds game? I feel like that game would work so much better now and appeal to a lot of people. 

She’s not doing this for “a noble cause” or providing any legitimate criticism.”

A noble cause? She’s employed to give reviews on games, which she did. Much of her criticism, you echo in this comment. Sorry someone didn’t like a game you liked?

Okay, please show your work on this one. Please show me sources on Zendesk not using encryption and bragging about selling data (especially non-anonymized PII). Happy to take an L on this one if you can back up your assertions.

That person made a butthead comment - but you have to realize, what you’re saying about “making the phone brand part of your whole ass personality” was an Apple thing first, right? It was in the DNA of their marketing under Steve Jobs. I use both platforms, but years ago we complained about obnoxious Apple fans the

Gtfoh with this bullshit. You know damn well that this story (assuming it’s true) isn’t simply about someone “changing their mind about something.” You also know damn well that if Boebert simply had a “personal opinion” about abortion, there wouldn’t be a problem. Guess what, everyone has a personal opinion about

Oh, am I tired of hearing this environmental impact narrative. Frankly, it’s misguided and folks who say this likely don’t understand the technology or see where the space is headed. Take a look at the carbon footprint of legacy financial institutions (including all the war, oil drilling, and environmental

Is it necessary? No.

There's so many just odd decisions by 343 with this game. I can't tell if some of these were intentional or a result of the game needing more time.

People posting replies to what they imagine someone said, and then going on a campaign attacking their own neurosis happens far, far more often than that... as you just proved.

I agree with how it should be categorized (although since Kotaku is a blog, I think of everything I read here as opinionated), but I had to do a double take when I read “biased opinion piece.” I’ll admit - I have no idea if this is filed under commentary or news, but it read like an opinion piece to me too, and

I will say, Jason Schrier wrote some great investigative pieces for Kotaku. He doesn’t work here anymore, and I don’t expect every Kotaku publishes to be up to his standard, but I can kind of see how he raised expectations around this joint.


I am going to help Ubisoft out by not purchasing anymore of their games. 

I doubt public pressure would bring the kind of change the workers need for the company. You want a seat at the table? Then you better UNIONIZE.

I think the point is that as long as people like Lauren Boebert, Josh Hawley, Margery Taylor-Green, Ted Cruz, Jim Jordan and Mitch McConnell keep getting elected, and you keep voting for the party that literally tried to overthrow a legitimate election, you’re part of that party. Until and unless the collective ‘right

Why the fuck do people think continuing to support the company accomplishes anything when it comes to supporting the not-touchyfeely employees? Even if Actiblizz wasnt in this mess a hundred of them would still get fired the next quarter so Blizzard’s numbers look better.

Take money away from the damn company so it