
Aha, something I can answer!
Black and white imagery is not just desaturated color imagery. If I was shooting black and white film, I can use different colored filters in front of the film to emphasize certain tones; a red filter removes different light frequencies than a blue filter, for example. Human skin has lots

Pas de problème. *gallic shrug*

...Canada’s version of the F.B.I.... No.

“I’m not saying we need exposition, I’m saying that it is a blatant and ham-handed representation of these things.”

You’re searching for answers from art; art rarely has “answers” but they do have symbolism and meaning and infinite ways of conveying those messages. In any case, films and art in general is always crippled method of having nuanced discussions of complicated matters, those are best understood in books, documentaries

(And here we go.)

I don’t think anyone could reasonably dispute its merits. It’s just lazy and lacks imagination.

The weirdest part is how people have tried to claim sneaking a motor into a bike is a form of “doping” and not just “cheating.”

He looks like he’s laughing at something off-camera, completely unrelated to her, though. Which.. is a thing he’s allowed to do.

I absolutely buy Rey becoming strong with the Force, because she’s clearly got an innate ability and every time she encounters Kylo Ren he shows her more stuff.

Could we have an actual discussion, maybe? Wouldn’t it be more helpful to explain to people who might not understand how this is not an appropriate way to draw attention to a worthy topic? Instead of mocking and condemning dogmatically, could we explore the ways that this cause could be better served, and educate one

So, funny story about this song. He actually wrote it to get out of a record contract.

Cheap, simple, reliable, and not too heavy.

I totally get it man. From my perspective, you’re nuts and make zero sense. But trying to put myself in your shoes, it’s perfectly clear. I really really don’t like the Camaro. I hate the way it looks, I hate how big it is, and I’m not enthused by LS motors like most people are. To me, there’s more to a driving

90’s Izusu Impulse had these. You had to lift up on the little handle in the recess.

Based on the headline:

Personally, I think magic needs to remain as confusing and mystical as possible. Imply a vague framework, perhaps, but when you go into it too much it just seems like fantasy’s version of “technobabble”. The Lord of the Rings is pretty excellent at this, there’s some vague rules/structure (brown wizard, white wizard,