
First two digits of VIN are "JM" = J(apan) M(azda)

Drifters: still have shit for taste and a flawed understanding of color palettes and the preferred curvature of baseball hat brims, but also still doing cool shit.

The problem is that his THEN portions (e.g. the predictives) contains with it lots of implications about the nature of God that many theists would disagree with.

He seems to be setting up a very specific sort of theist. I don't think all theists would agree, for instance, that sacred texts would provide practical advice like how to stay healthy. I think there are theists who would disagree with many of those statements, in fact.

Here's where the name came from. We wanted to call it 1600S, Japan wanted to call it RX-5. We said R means rotary, they said M means family car. We found an old high-German dictionary, and Miata meant "prize or reward." It fit.

I don't have a problem with it. It's not what the car's about. It was never supposed to be the fastest, it was about a feeling. I think a V8 diminshes the balance and feeling. The heart of the Miata is the chassis and body interface, not the engine. We could get the first close to 50:50 with the right people inside

It's not about power. If you can't go fast with 90 horsepower, 900 ain't gonna help ya. I genuinely feel that. - BH

That just reinforces my point. Gimli wasn't that humorous side-character in the books. There was humor in the LotR books and the source of some of it was the interplay / competition between Gimli and Legolas but the book(s) didn't have the slapstick spastic overly broad humorous sidekick that Jackson turned Gimli into.

Peter Jackson's "Gimli".

Or perhaps: "The Hobbit: Craven Cash Grab"?

Your firm belief is dead-on! I am a MONUMENTAL ASSHOLE! With the ability to go back 11 years in the past to be pissy! MONUMENT TIME-TRAVEL ASSHOLE POWERS ACTIVATE!

Hear, hear!

Even in its crippled state, the Pantera is a very compelling car to drive. Hell, it's fun to even just sit in it and blip the throttle. The engine is an LS3 from Wegner Motorsports and makes about 600HP when all the actual cylinders are firing. Mike said it dyno'd in the 460-500 HP ballpark at the wheels, so that's no

yeah no, look up active combustion chamber design. this for the record is what a modern chrylser "hemi" combustion chamber looks like.

Updated version-

Here's a Quick Mock-up of what I'm thinking.


Seriously, people? Conan is winning over Highlander?! There can be only one, and you know which one it should be! Search your hearts.

I'm hoping for the best outcome, but can we please stop anthropomorphising offworld rovers? They hate that.