
And overtime you give a ride to someone for the first time you get really confused looks.

You baby the bejeezus out of a rotary and you’ll kill it. They need monthly Italian tune ups to keep everything breathing nicely.

First time I read it I hated it, but then I kept on seeing it and everything I read about it made me think I should like it. So I gave it another chance and loved it. The third time I read it I found it incredibly funny.

Prince George? Maybe. It looks like it passes through the town I was brought up in and the namesake for the newest Windsor.

I've always loved the FD's cockpit.

My Dad did a similar thing. We were on a vacation when I was really young, and the leaf spring on the tent trailer we were pulling broke. So he vise-gripped (that should be a verb) it back together and we were back on the road.

Buyin a super car and putting you (or me) into the cockpit it is like buying a blu ray and hooking it up to a tube television. There are few people who can really drive those cars. People buy them either because they want to look cool or because they want to have fun-the same reasons people get manuals.

You ever see Fred Herzog's work?

Like 12A housings or rotors, or really anything 12A. I heard they scrapped all the tooling for those.

Not bespoke. (Sorry to be an asshole)


I'm with you on that. They made their names in the sports sedan category, which is quickly becoming the Camry of the well-off.

Those TTs re awesome, with their trunk lid spoilers.

Funny thing is, a rotary engine with worn apex seals will still get you to your destination, just a lot slower. And, a rotary is a simpler engine than a piston engine, with less moving parts. The only reason the rotary has its reputation is the apex seals. Other then that it's rock solid. Well, apex seals and heat,

The Weird Compendium.

I think Susanna Clarke did this exceptionally well. Her magic was mystical and strange but never tipped into deus ex machina. Without the mystical, magic falls flat for me in a lot of ways. Robert Jordan is a good example of this. Often his magic felt uninteresting, like building a house, whereas J.R.R. Tolkien's or

This man right here. He'll go through a town of crazies in five minutes flat.

Neither fish nor fowl.