
Well sure as cars come, I know that they end.
And if I own it when that happens, will you promise me this my friend?
Please bury me with it.
I just don't need none of that tradeā€“in bullshit.

Just walked past a Mini clubman estate yesterday riding about a centimetre off the ground on trolley wheels. I'd never seen one before. The one I saw however looked like this (not the actual one I saw though):


In his defense, hapless means unfortunate. So I read it as the car was in the unfortunate position of being derided by Clarkson, who has a particularly acerbic wit. Not necessarily a judgement call on the car itself.

Why no tonneau?

You will never know how proud I was of the Suspension Tuned by Lotus badge on my Isuzu Impulse. It may have only had a 1.6 putting out 130 hp but that badge was there convincing me that it was indeed a race car.

I'm thinking B.C. because NYC has the east coast covered and if you stand on the rockies you could cover all the prairie provinces by sight.

Do you know how painful it is to have ginger beer (that burning Jamaican pop, not the weaker sugar water that is ginger ale) go through your nose? I do now and it's horrible and you are all to blame.

So City of Bones is Bleach with a girl?

So it's like an English wheel combined with a CNC machine (conceptually)?

More comfortable but just as cold. I bet the temperature inside the car drops justas fast as it climbs.

Had this exact url ready to post.

Cars get cold fast. All that metal around you lets the cold seep right through. If we're talking winter, five minutes and the car will be uncomfortable.

How about a knife?

Two for one? Callandor and his Sadin-y fire-y sword-y thing that's like a light saber but more magick-y and less science-y.

Seeing the Enzo after the 288 GTO is a bit of a shock. The 288 GTO is such a handsome car that it makes the Enzo seem a complete mess in comparison.

Who else wanted to drive on the downed bridge? Looks like a roller coaster drive.

Gimli. Just...

The male spider then releases it's sperm into the female and dies, giving its nutrition to the female and the slowly growing babies inside her.