Rooo sez BISH PLZ

My daughter went to the same school for a few years. I remember seeing him in the mornings when the kids got their breakfasts. He was exactly like your friend said.

Will the board allow them to bring crisis/grief counselors into the school for these kids? Because Jesus Christ they’re going to need them.

I’m so sorry for your loss and your friend’s loss. Philando sounds like a great person and for everyone who knew him, their hearts must be aching.

I was holding it together until this. Fuck.

Comment from my bestie on my outraged FB post this morning:

Even my cousin Racist Brian has been silent on my FB. It’s eerie. It’s almost like some people know there is no way to continue justifying this.

I saw it.

But the horror rolls on....this time a man cooperating with police regarding a broken tailight has been murdered by cops in front of a woman and her four year old child. Video seems to be pulled for some reason. Google Falcon Heights.

i am swift with the unfriending at this point!!

Here’s hoping Alton’s children are afforded the luxury of living to be college-age.

Jez’s Trump descriptions are some advanced-level snark. I love ‘em!