Rooo sez BISH PLZ

In other words he’s a very dangerous rich man.

I think she has a pretty credible rep and they’ll definitely have to do a lot of damage to it, if they’re not trying to pay to millions.


FFS. Is he still teaching?

She gets her big payday, will sign her NDA and will never say a peep about them every again. She won’t do anything to bring them down or expose them for how awful they are. She’ll just take her money and move on. Ignoring what she helped do to America.


Considering the grandmommy of the conservative moment, Phyllis Schlafly, literally said that sexual harassment is not a problem for virtuous women,I doubt that they’ll wake up. They’ll only see it as a problem when it affects them.

Yeah, hostile work environment claims are great, because they can’t just blame it on one rogue person. Nope. It’s your entire fucking workplace that is discriminatory against women.

I don’t know. Does being kind of racist disqualify one from anchoring news shows these days?

I would love for that to be the case, but it won’t happen. If you asked Carlson about any other woman’s sexual harassment in the workplace she would probably still roll her eyes and claim the victim is being too sensitive and everyone is too PC.

From your mouth (fingers) to God’s ear!!

They’ll pay her off and keep on keepin’ on. Just ask Bill O’Reilly.

what the fuck are Ward and Fitz doing

She has to endure that because other networks may ask her to not say racist things on TV and THAT would be too much.

Oh god, this is like Christmas and my birthday all wrapped into one. Thank you, Flying Spaghetti Monster!!!! Burn it all down Gretchen!

Get your money!

Jesus fucking christ. I read the whole suit over on Gawker’s Documents and it is a doozy. I hope she destroys him and the whole network goes down with him.