Rooo sez BISH PLZ

Lol, ok buddy.

The “keep us alive” part is at first perplexing, then telling, and then chilling.

Meanwhile they’re also screaming about how every microagression percieved by liberals is nonsense and all in their heads.

Poor Rudy. The struggle for relevance continues, I see.

I had an ex tell me that he “never even hit” me so I shouldn’t “act like a victim.” Mind you, this was AFTER he hacked my email and hounded me about sleeping with someone after we had already broken up.

I think it's really nice Fox News has taken this opportunity to introduce Beyoncé to an audience who have, through their isolationist media policy, been able to entirely avoid her. Thanks Fox, for building bridges!

If you’re a white guy who just uttered the words, “... what we should be doing in the African-American community...”

All I could think of was how hard it must be to dance on a grass surface and hopefully no one bites it.

Fox News Meeting: “OK. Beyoncé went out there and was loved by the audience. We can not let a black woman be popular without somehow making her look bad. Someone get Captain 9/11 on the phone. He can make up some lie about how she was offending someone. Tell Giuliani to make it all patriotic. Also, have a new intern

“Football is no place for your political ideologies. Now get out of the way so I can watch men beat each other up for sport.”

It’s funny because I saw the show before I saw what it was about (or supposedly “about”) and I didn’t get anything about police officers being bad at all. Good thing I have Fox News to let me know what was REALLY going on. /s

When Giuliani says “keeping us alive” let’s remember he’s speaking of a specific “us”.

police officers who are the people who protect her and protect us

Missy has never been one for making songs that people think she “ought,” to make.

Yesssssssssss! I don’t care about the superb owl.

Oh, ready the high school marching bands with their new anthem for 2016.

It’s working for me. And I’m all like


The more you talk, the more I see why you don’t get second dates. You are judging that gal for wanting to make out with a hot guy and asking her what she does with nice guys? Barf.