Rooo sez BISH PLZ

And by “relational skills” NO ONE MEANS PICK UP ARTIST CRAP.

awww, so sweet! But honestly, I live in a state with WAAAAYYY too many crackers already, lol.

The interesting thing to me is how may men have never even heard stories like this, but then also want to blame women for not telling them. But, for so many women it just the way it is, we don’t always think of it as something to talk about in conversation because each instance is not a unique or uncommon event. It

I wish I had crackers for you ;)

If this is a genuine question, then I will give you a genuine answer.

This made me think about Christy Mack...

Feel better.

Awesome. I was too lazy to grab the clip, but it’s worth watching.

Are you lucky that no woman has been honest with you about the way things are, or are you seen as one of the men who might be capable of killing women, and that’s why no one feels comfortable talking to you about it?

No it doesn’t your deductive logic is completely fallacious.

No, you got started here because you suck at reading comprehension.

IT IS EXACTLY AS UBIQUITOUS AS THIS THREAD MAKES IT OUT TO BE. How many fucking women will it take telling you that it’s happening for you to believe it? What number is a good number for you to accept that this harassment, and fearful reactions to harassment, are occurring on a daily (second-ly) basis?

When you see a male friend talking to a woman who is giving obvious signals of discomfort, STOP HIM. When you are out with male friends and they are screaming “hey baby! hey!” after women who are not interested (and you can tell, because they are not responding or are walking faster to avoid you), STOP HIM. When you

The quote doesn't imply that at all. But then you know that by now. This is just trolling.

Yeah, super clumsy writing! If only one of our generation’s greatest writers had written it.

Not all men are emotionally capable of this. But they are physically capable and don’t carry signs telling us which they are.

This is about as personal as it gets for women. It’s not a theoretical issue you can look at somehow more “objectively”. That most men are physically able to kill or seriously damage most women is a fact women live with every day.

hahahahahahaa what woman would EVER mention such a fear to someone like you? You would be the type she’d be most afraid of. You’re creepy as fuck.

Unfortunately, it is that ubiquitous. Because the experiences are personal, women often feel the need to share these experiences and feelings with other women. I wouldn’t bring up any of the violent encounters I’ve had with my father, for example, but my sisters and girlfriends were the first people I shared them

What are you thinking?