Warren had a similar sentiment, although much more eloquent about it.
Warren had a similar sentiment, although much more eloquent about it.
Just in case you thought the Dems are not gonna get this done thanks to an influx of even bigger shitheads in the Capitol than normal:
It’s definitely sedition, at the very least. If I’m Tump, I’m getting the hell out of Dodge on my private plane ASAP. GOP is going to need a scapegoat for this if they want to continue to exist, and he’s the most obvious candidate.
Projection. Always projection with these fuckers.
I’m watching CNN and I’m weeping, literally. This? For this corrupt, deranged criminal? Over a blatant obvious lie? For all these mendacious, greedy, racist motherfuckers? I honestly don’t know if we can come back from this.
You’re right for an all of the GOP politicians, but I wouldn’t want to be the guy who’s face can be clearly seen breaking into the capital building. He’s going to be in a world of shit when the dust settles.
In my experience, the defining trait of an adult child is always wanting to have things both ways.
I think we can safely assume there will be zero consequences for any of this.
You guys realize that we have the Executive Branch of the US government orchestrate an attack on the Legislative Branch.
Vanilla ISIS...
But seriously, the counter narrative of antifa pretending to be Trump supporters is already going around. These people are all the worst.
“Don’t start acting like the other side,” huh? SMH
In one of her old posts she acknowledges she has anger issues. Additionally, per a NY trash rag:
You would think someone on probation would consider the predicament they have been placed. Assault is definitely a violation and hopefully this brother does not let her off the hook.
I still don’t get it. This is just a torrent of stupid decisions.
She’s currently on three years probation in California, that’s what she was worried about with CNN. She has a hearing in two weeks.
From Heavy.com. It appears her life is a series of self-imposed Ls.
Someone replied to you with a story about stolen phones, not going to ungrey them, but here’s the thing: She still had absolutely no reason to think this kid had her phone. Just as likely she was trying to steal it if she knew how to hack it or knew someone who could.
Yeah, if your first thought is “attack the black kid!” rather than “could you nice hotel desk people please call my phone,” you're racist trash.
When your phone is smarter than you are...
Okay, so this dumb bitch thought that someone stole her phone to... do what with it? It’s not like you can pick up someone else’s phone and just magically have a shiny new phone. There’s passwords and thumbprints and facial recognition and shit. Did she think that someone was just fucking with her and hiding her…