Exactly. Because every hot chick is waiting their turn in line to blow the I.T. guy, and they all look like Hugh Jackman.
Exactly. Because every hot chick is waiting their turn in line to blow the I.T. guy, and they all look like Hugh Jackman.
Harrumph! Whatever. Now I must go yell at a cloud!
This is definitely a “get off my lawn” moment lol. I don’t listen to him, but he’s one of the biggest rappers around right now.
“I told Trump his password was stupid when he gave it to me.”
The men, who allegedly planned to kidnap the governor in retaliation for covid-19 restrictions,
I put even odds on Glenn Greenwald and Tucker Carlson doing a segment asserting that the undercover FBI agent entrapped these guys who would never have actually put together a real plot to kidnap Whitmer without goading by Deep State FBI types.
With the way this fucking idiot uses his Twitter, someone else having access to it—even for just a couple minutes—could have literally put American military (and civilians for that matter) in harms way or caused huge problems for markets or individual companies.
I believe it’s captain awkward who has a similar one about how long you can see yourself dealing with the status quo - can you live like this for five minutes, five weeks, five years...?
I’m seriously dating myself here, but there was once a thing called the “Ann Landers Question,” which was a thing she (the original advice columnists) used to pitch to people like LW who were in similar dilemmas. It’s simply asking, “Are you better off with her or without her?” As trite as it might seem, it’s a useful…
See also: any video on youtube of a baby red panda.
Bear Cam really got me through the tough time of being an essential worker that had to come in the office with no work to do because everything else was shut down.
Also the areas that aren’t Christian (and most of Africa observes some form of Christianity) are Muslim (or a little bit Jewish). And the non-Christians aren’t any worse off for not knowing that it’s Christmas, because they don’t care about Christmas nor should they have to.
I am shocked that “the only gift they’ll get this year is life” is an a line in an actual song about Africa that is still played on the radio! Makes me cringe every time. It is problematic, to say the least.
“And while several stars reported testing positive for covid-19 (including megastars like Tom Hanks, Madonna, The Rock, Idris Elba, Kanye West, and Bad Bunny)”
And the fact that that area of Africa was Eastern Orthodox so, yeah, I’m pretty sure they knew it was Christmas.
Yeah it didn’t offend me the way it apparently did a lot of people- I thought it was stupid, but no stupider (and possibly less offensive) than shit like “We are the World” or even worse “Do they Know It’s Christmastime” which somehow makes the fact that they don’t have snow in most of Africa seem just as bad as the…
It’s funny in hindsight how much blowback the “Imagine” thing got. It was out of touch and annoying, but also featured well-meaning celebrities staying home like we were all supposed to. So many of the other things in this article that blew over faster were actively harmful.
I wish Giant Meteor 2020 had won the election.
The Repair Shop is one show that nobody talks about that I think so many people would love. Not sure how popular it was overseas, but in the States, I mention it and nobody has heard of it. Then when they give it a chance, they love it.
I like Big Dreams, Small Spaces for my UK garden fixation. It used to be on Netflix, but Google tells me it’s now on Amazon Prime with yet another streaming subscription. Sigh.