The Other Theron

Can’t find the quote, but Phil Plait said something like “There comes a time when intelligent, thoughtful people have to say yes, that is exactly what Hitler did.”

Minus the head thing (and in white) that’s basically my Mom’s wedding dress

If crows had opposable thumbs we’d be done for.

But it’s still weird. Terrorists don’t pick personal targets - they go for targets that have a lot of public symbolic power. The holiday office party of some county employees doesn’t fit the pattern.

The Democrats are not 100% denialists on global warming.

Mom: “You’re losing your hair, aren’t you? Hahaha!”

Razor’s Edge - I got my first passport as a result. Everything flowed from that.

Yep. No matter what I try to do, I always wind up playing the sneaky archer who can cast a few spells and can try a little charm if all else fails. Or in Fallout terms, the smooth-talking sniper who’s good at locks and computers.

When I was a small child, I had an actual pony. How my grad student parents pulled that of, I don’t know. His name was T.P., a Shetland. And he was evil. He threw me every single time we rode. At some point he had enough, and tossed me. Every single time. Probably explains many things. I’m sure he is still alive, as

Julius Caesar was not an emperor, so he certainly wasn’t the first emperor of Rome.

Well, it is true that “planet” means “wandering star.”

Eh, she’s still an idiot.

You know CJ, I usually have no complaints here, but seriously? Regional dialect bigotry? Ok. BTW - life-long southerner, haven’t head anyone use “coke” in that way since the 1970s. I suppose there are a few holdouts.

There are Latin Irish. Those would be descendents mainly of Catholics who fled Protestant rule. The hero of Chilean independence is one Bernando O’Higgins, for example.

Yeah, you’re a world class jerk.

I drank alone and watched Person of Interest. I know I came out ahead.

Well, sure - slavery, no votes for women, no citizenship for Amerindians, etc; but we got better.

So the “war on Christians” crowd finally has its damn martyr. Good for them?

No. The hat and the glasses had to come off or no go. I had a photo rejected because my transition lenses had the faintest tint to them (only in the dark to they go completely clear). So yeah, she did not wear that for her actual photo, or she wasted her time.

It told my I was 28, 63% likely to be female, 5% likely to be interested in history, equally likely to be Christian or nothing. Hmmm, yeah - I’m middle aged, male, an historian, and not at all religious.