I laughed way more than this comment deserved +1
I laughed way more than this comment deserved +1
I never really understood this viewpoint. Sure, its not as physical as football or hockey, but from my experience in playing soccer and basketball it has at least the same level of physicality as basketball, if not more. Definitely more than baseball. Oh, and since you are a third string offensive lineman who never…
In soccer, a liver shot is called a George Best.
Dorne was like a bad breakup for me. Before I’d excused D&D for most their lazy adaptions, but like that kind of bad needs intent. And it wasn’t to honour the source material. Arianne would have been there or at least Ellaria would have been kept more in character, maybe written as a protagonist instead of only Jaime.…
Because the TV adaptation wasn’t really all that good in the first place?
At its core the show was always pretty weak from a narrative standpoint. They relied too heavily on boobz ‘n blood. You can’t sustain something like that for long. Once the novelty of seeing softcore porn wears off, there’s nothing of substance…
Or possibly Kim Davis? Gurl got FIRE.
I know exactly the feeling you’re describing. As a white latino I had never known I was a latino until I went to the US. Until that point I was just... well, white. A clear racial majority, struggling with the concept of racism as much as any other moderately progressive white dude does.
But... Ming Na Wen is not Japanese.
in my opinion, the guy in the bmw is trying to get out of the way and didn’t realize that other biker was trying to come up the right side.
I don’t think he was trying to block anybody. I think he noticed the biker in left lane coming at a high rate of speed and got fixated trying to avoid him by switching back to the right lane. Then he failed to notice the other bike coming up even faster and inadvertently blocked him. Obviously this is just…
Can’t wait for SBNation’s longform profile of him.
“Mano-a-mano” means hand-to-hand.
Even with France to say the the US “saved” that country without acknowledging their MASSIVE sacrifice in WWI, is playing wild and loose with historical fact. When WWII started France was still pretty tapped out in terms of men of fighting age.
you get some credit for ww2, but as for ww1 you turned up at the end and played what was at best a secondary role in the decisive fighting that broke the hindenburg line and ended the war.
This is wrong on so many levels. Cadbury Crème Eggs are the best. At least the foreign ones. The American ones are bad and should feel bad.
Excepts from the One True List of Best Seasonal Candy
It’s not scummy it’s his job, it doesn’t make it nice or not it makes it his job. As an advocate who’s job is to reach out to the press Walton should have understood this especially when aligning with the players she has aligned herself with.
If you’re pro-GG, you’re a piece of shit. No question about it. Thanks for admitting that you’re trolling this piece because you’re involved with those neo-Nazi scumbags.
“It seemed Chelsea would escape with a point”
It’s ok, bro. I’m just bored, man. When did Deadspin message boards become so SERIOUS?