DJ Rob Gordon

Thank god they’ve got excellent health care!

They need more Jareds and fewer Erlichs. Perhaps they should SWOT it.

China made it clear in the original video that his beef was with Velocity (Discovery), not Brewer. Only bad people would blame Brewer for this.

I wouldn’t even say that Mike is that Over the top. He is AMAZINGLY cheerful, but not to optimum twat-waffle levels like some other reality shows. I also liked that Wheeler Dealers was free of a lot of bullshit. No stupid fucking pranks on co-workers or workplace drama I couldn’t give less of a damn about. The

Edd China is the backbone of that show. It is a better car show than anything else I’ve seen. So many of the shows skip all the detail of installing parts, and instead become just advertisements for aftermarket parts. They never show the mechanics struggling with a rusted nut, or trying to wiggle a part out from

Basically Velocity wants to remove the entire reason for watching Wheeler Dealers. Sorry to Mike, but aside from the trouble spots he seemed to look for, watching the shopping/haggling/sales process was boring and inconsequential. You knew the car would have problems, you knew he would deal down, and you knew they

This has been, bar none, the best car show on broadcast TV. From the sounds of it, there is going to be such a format change that it may lose all of its original honest appeal. The other “car” shows on TV are just scripted reality show non-sense. And that’s not just compared to Wheeler Dealers.


D.B. Pooper

There is no single part of this article that I can quote or even focus my thoughts on. It’s all so true, painfully so, that it chokes me up. It’s a shame no one tries (or cares) to understand this feeling that comes with being black. It reminds me of the comments from your article Welcome to the America Black People

Hands up if you almost threw your phone when you got the news alert that White People’s Prez (TM) was accusing President Obama of wiretapping. *hands up*

Why would I want actual information about an upcoming vehicle I might be interested in when I can have all of this snark!

This cannot be denied. Article was spot-on.

What I honestly cannot wrap my head around are the white voters who flipped from voting for Pres. Obama to voting for Trump. That takes cognitive dissonance to a whole new level.

I wonder if the “it must teach life” is an allusion to all those unborns they’re so concerned about.

While we’re making unsolicited requests: PLEASE go fuck yourself.

Eat all the dicks, please.

I love his assertion that her being a great person(citation needed) has any bearing on Nordstrom carrying her line. They cut it because it didnt sell, and Nordstrom is a business, it wouldnt matter if it was Mother Teresas line.

I love that piece too. They come across like a bunch of whiny bitches (which they most definitely are).

To be completely fair, you can go to hell with the other left lane cruisers