Dear BMW,
Dear BMW,
I’ve never called an elected representative in my life. I just did. I expected to have to leave a voicemail, but someone picked up on the first ring! This caught me off guard, so I stammered my way through what I wanted to say about the last couple of weeks, especially this weekend. Who knows if the congressperson I…
Rovell is 38, and in this gif, looks like he’s playing for the over-50 squads at my local Y.
My favorite thing about this election is that the same people who always bitched that Obama was soft on Putin are now enthusiastically supporting a guy who is openly sucking his dick. Excuse my language.
Nothing witty, I just hope he fucking dies.
Obviously someone got an 11 killstreak.
Does this article mean FlightClub is coming back?! No? Okay...
Fuck 2016, seriously just fuck off. I’m done with this year.
As awesome as the car’s acceleration aside it also points out the key factor of being aware of your surroundings while driving, including what’s behind you.
Have you considered parking legally?
Yeah! Like an asshole that wants to eat, and pay rent, and stuff. Unbelievable! Getting a job. And then doing it! What an asshole.
Remember that 5 minute window back in 2000 when John McCain was regarded as a refreshing change of pace Republican, a straight shooter who even democrats could respect?
Oh, Ted Cruz. Just when you thought your humiliation was over, things get even worse. You deserve it.
That E46 wagon is literally perfect. I would have totally bought one if they had made it.
Seriously, Tom, can you guys please fucking focus on what really matters: did he stand respectfully during the pledge of allegiance or not?
I love this man and I support his work
Best thing I’ve ever read on Jalop, or whatever, Kinja. The “Unheard” F1 story earlier today can’t top this—and my favorite thing in the world is F1. The only thing I like more is flight. To agree with many above me commenting would be an understatement...this is the first time I’ve ever seen such a lavish property of…