
But you BuyUnreliableCrap... :(

Clearly that the population of Britain consists of:

Now playing

To those saddened by the lack of colourful British swear words in the video, I offer this:

You’re also making the assumption that the “If I had to” only applies to the selecting of a winner, not to the placing money. I think one could very reasonably interpret his sentence to mean that 1) He believes the Ferrari "surely has to" win and 2) Therefore if he had to place money, that would be the logical one to


so its a jaguareniggsegg?

In a BMW you never have to signal.

This “Age of outrage” is reaching a breaking point. It really makes me wonder where we, as a society, are headed.

Every rusted out pasture wreck is a good candidate for a Pro Street project. Just because you can’t undertake a numbers-matching restoration doesn’t mean a car is doomed to die. When you Pro Street a car, you can fabricate or buy whatever you want because you’re not bound to a “correct” restoration. If a car still has

ROADKILL... doing the Lord’s work.

question: if you need a Ford GT to get a new Ford GT does selling your existing Ford GT in order to pay for your new Ford GT after you get the letter saying you can buy the new Ford GT revoke your ability to purchase the new Ford GT since you are no longer in possession of the old Ford GT when you take delivery of the

Well, you brought this on yourselves.

Autozam AZ-1. Next year I can finally import one legally!

Part of the problem is the title of the article


Golden Rule Of Racing:

“No no, he’s resting.”

if you spent a single day watching hoe valets treat cars at least in the most valet populated part of town in my city, you would never trust any valet in the world ever.

Are you reading this, Pulitzer committee?