
So Rhinna lost to men who can sing and dance her into dust?

ok- but — this is also a right wing article. so I do expect some maligning.

If you had any knowledge of the Say Her Name campaign you’d know how heavily it has pushed for the justice of black transwomen so I don't understand why you are throwing vitriol at the writer beyond bringing some much-needed context to this tragedy that should've been directly in the article. 

Considering white women are the biggest group benefitting from civil rights and then become Karen's that vote republican you're standing on shaking ground concerning harmony and integrity. 

Ok. Just not opposed enough to think up a fresh hashtag when Black women can just start their movement all over and save you the trouble.

They just coincidentally came up with the same hash tag? Sure, Jan.

As an ally of/for native women this post screams #alllivesmatter. Doing a total disservice to literally, everyone

Black women: do all the unpaid emotional labor

“It can be legitimately difficult to know where to draw the line between honoring how different groups share similar forms of oppression and co-opting a movement.”

Factual. Give me a parent who’s broke but present and showers me with love/support over the once-a-year parent who brings me material shit any day. I thought that went without saying but it’s pretty clear social media continues to condition people to think the IG photo op is more valuable than spending quality time

The day before Christmas as she went about her way, looking out for others as she always did. The guilty party will be caught & held accountable. Hoping that family finds comfort in fond memories of Pastor Trina who will certainly rest in Power.

Thank you and WELL SAID, Joshua Harris-Till,

There are people who still support R. Kelly and Bill Cosby. This is not surprising.

People trying to suggest it can’t be suicide are insulting those who struggle and showing their ignorance of the psychology around depression and suicide. Not all who are depressed or suicidal *look* depressed and suicidal.
This is heartbreaking.

What was the point of his statement? A HBCU gave him a chance when no majority white school would have.  Without that opportunity, would he be in a position to even make the statement? 

Long before his swirl with Robach, there was always something not quite right with Holmes. I live between New York and LA and when I was in New York at events he attended, he gave off that lecherous vibe, as my mom would say. Then his sanctimonious diatribes regarding other Black men when they screwed-up is laughable

The gun belonged to his mother and was in fact properly locked up. He stole the key to the safe, took out a gun, disconnected the cameras, shot her in the head and then immediately went online to do his Amazon shopping.

“It appears that the further we get away from baseline history in America the further we want to get away from allowed us to bear the brunt of brutality that made us reply upon each other, decency morality, and justice amongst ourselves as a daily practice.”

I mean, Polanski is a great director; but I also don’t like it when he get’s honored at ceremonies. Chris Brown is a domestic abuser, and his talent doesn’t change that.

Seems to me that the state legislature should give MORE money. Y’all don’t want us in your PWIs? Cool. Fund HBCUs!