
Right? When they broadcast from his home in 2020, he was #turnt.

Thank you; although his diatribe reads as though it’s been loaded in his pea brain and ready to go for awhile; the assertion that the female writers aren’t as talented as the male writers is a big tell. Huge.

“I find it hilarious though that as soon as a lot of the talented male writers start leaving the site, you start seeing more and more of these types of articles. I’ll never get why so many Black women are so incredibly pressed about someone else’s dating choices. He dated a white woman, why does it bother you so much?

That’s what you got out of this?!? SMDH

“Vhhyyyyy do you insist I learn these Bleck things and be around these Bleck people?! We are just man and voman. I will pretend you have just deep tan and your history, culture, language and traditions do not exist and we vill raise our tan kids that way...let’s call it being colorblind! Except I will teach them to

The justice system should start bringing charges to prosecutors that have been doing this for years.  

RIP Archbishop Desmond Tutu. You didn’t bite your tongue.

And don’t forget , slavery was a choice and him being friendly with Marilyn Manson. Who used to rip pages out of the Bible during concerts.

How many philanthropic events will it take to erase our memory of his complicity in Trump’s reign I wonder?

MackMack, you dishonor yourself with your pretended obtusity. Since you have nothing of value to contribute, you may sit down.

What a tale! I have many similar ones, being just a little younger than you. Having straight-A’s out of a majority-Black school system and having gone to the area High School for The Gifted for a year, I was accused of plagiarism in my senior year!

Except, look at what schools being somewhat integrated and having close proximity to Blacks has done for the mindset of Alabama whites since the 60s...absolutely nothing! They are similarly eager to join the lynch mob as their great grandfathers but wear MAGA tshirts and ask girls to the middle school prom with video

Social interaction can be found in other places. I have friends that home school, they ensure their children are active in church, YMCA, sports or local community sports teams. The many home school associations have sports leagues the play as regularly as in school leagues. Their sons have excelled in and their teams

The problem, as usual, is that it held against us when we use Black vernacular. It’s not okay for us to speak our language until it’s approved, used, and profited by them. That’s nothing to embrace.

People are just like cattle. Stampedes can appear out of nowhere. I was waiting to get past a checkpoint with at least 5,000 of my fellow idiots to see a play in NYC in 2001 on New Year’s Eve (as God is my witness, it was not my idea. I wouldn’t even have been there if it hadn’t been that the other members of my party

Michael Harriot reminded us of the origin of "woke" in a Leadbelly song. It told you to stay woke because there are white men trying to kill you. And there were. And there still are. That it what these fuckers are mocking and laughing  about. And that's what they want to fire me for telling my students. This is what

Jayden Daniels, QB at ASU is 6-3, 175.

I don’t think that’s cynical, just observant. He’s doing interviews like he’s promoting a new album or book. People who talk the loudest about their “good behavior” typically have some ulterior motive. 

And therein lies the gaping flaw in his defense.