The Reverend Doctor Octopus

Josh Trank is starting to seem like the kinda guy who would call comic books graphic novels because he thinks it sounds more sophisticated.

I picked up this week's Amazing Spider-Man, which was the first part of the Spider Verse storyline, and I really enjoyed it. I go back on forth on Slott's Spider-Man a lot. I like his take on the character; it so often feels like he's treading water when he takes on the average villain of the month/Peter's social life

"If we can't protect our marketing plan, you can be damned well sure we'll avenge it!"

Your opinion would be perfectly relevant if we were discussing the film's quality. You started this discussion by saying that none of the directors hired by Marvel have much of a sense of style and that's what people are taking exception to. Myself and several other posters have pointed to plenty of instances where

OK….but let's not approach this from a position where your view is somehow considered the consensus. Iron Man 3 was liked by both critics and audiences, and a lot of what makes that movie work - the villain twist, the kid sidekick, quipping henchmen, etc - come directly from Shane Black's established oeuvre.

I'd say that the character arc in the first Captain America is about Cap realizing his natural potential as a leader through his new physique. Steve comes to realize both the benefits and costs of being a leader, and finally gains the confidence to pursue Peggy romantically, who loved him for who he was, not what he

If the standard you're holding James Gunn to is Terry Gilliam, then yeah, I guess you can *maybe* consider Guardians to be stylistically indistinct. Not every director working in genre fare needs to be as visually out there as Gilliam or Guillermo del Toro.

Woops, that was poor phrasing on my part. What I meant was I've never really been exposed to Nolan's personal views before (through interviews, dvd extras, etc.). I've actually seen all of his films.

My only real exposure to Nolan is based on the film vs. digital documentary Side by Side (pretty good, it's on Netflix). Given the way he talks down about digital film there, I have no trouble believing that he could call someone else's film "not real." Dude seems to have very defined parameters for what is and isn't

I totally get the chess piece thing, especially since the time jump where it seems like Hawkeye, Captain Marvel, and the all-new Cap are just cogs in Steve Rogers' illuminati hate-machine. Although it seems like during the time jump pretty much every other team member jumped ship because of some unrevealed slight on

Fair enough.

So I'm really weird in that I think Quantum of Solace is highly underrated. I think don't think it works as a Bond film, it disregards too many of the tropes and expectations of the series for that, but I do think it works pretty well as a sequel to Casino Royale. It's this odd and somber examination of what the loss

I guess what I was trying to say is that Infinity was too connected to the ongoing story threads in Avengers/New Avengers to work as its own event. If you weren't reading Avengers and New Avengers from beginning until that point, you had very little reason to care about half the things that were happening the book.

Is hating Skyfall a thing now? I can understand not liking it, but worst Bond movie ever? C'mon, we live in a world where License to Kill and Die Another Day exist.

I can see why a lot of people had this reaction. I think spinning Infinity off into its own event was a big mistake. Nothing there makes would make any sense without reading the main book concurrently with Avengers/New Avengers. Even the driving threats of the event are spun directly out of the everything that had

If you'll indulge me, what did it?

You made a smart decision.

I caught up on Hickman's Avengers and New Avengers runs, including Infinity. I know that this book hasn't been setting the world on fire, but I've been loving pretty much every issue of it. Hickman's world building is second to none. I feel like his writing lends itself to reading in trades, rather than on an issue by

My only new book this week was Bendis' Guardians. Have not liked his run so far and this arc only confirmed that he's a horrible fit for these characters. But, I was a huge fan of DnA's Nova run, so I felt compelled to check this out to finally see Richard Rider's fate. Of course I was inevitably disappointed by how

There have been rumors that Black Bolt is the far off role Vin Diesel was negotiating for when it was decided he should voice Groot in the short term. He's alluded to it a few times in some vague Facebook posts (….