The Reverend Doctor Octopus


And everyone knows that Force Works was the most boring group of characters in the Marvel Universe.

If you haven't, I'd recommend checking out Paul Jenkins' and Jae Lee Marvel Knights Inhumans series. It's this big socio-poltiical look at the interactions between the various royal family members against Inhuman society as a whole. You get this idea that Inhuman society has always been this big powderkeg threatening

I know all the attention is being placed on Black Panther and Captain Marvel, but I surely can't be the only one who's most excited for the Inhumans, right?

If Hawkeye's one line here is anything to go by, I'm hoping it means we get more of the snarky, contrarian Hawkeye of comics and less angry SHIELD agent Hawkeye from the last movie.

I actually like the idea of an inherently futile redemption arc. Ward has consistently proven how much he'll delude himself into thinking his actions are a part of the greater good. Last night's episode really hammered home how dead he is to most of the cast at this point.

It's not only that, but the fact that every time another cast member has interacted with Ward this season, they've sold their palpable feelings of his betrayal much better than Chloe Bennet has been able to manage. Coulson's takedown of Ward this week and Fitz's encounter with Ward a few weeks back were the stand out

First of all, what kind of person doesn't love Nightcrawler? The very idea that someone could be an X-Men fan and find Nightcrawler boring is just so foreign to me, I don't even know how that person comes to like the X-Men in the first place.

I'm going to remain optimistic here, at the end of the day, Batroc is mostly just a funny accent in a pink and orange costume (I'm really hoping that makes it way into the movie). Taking the same approach for Dave Bautista as Drax, which again just should just require a big physical presence and some growling.

I think this is as good a place as any to celebrate the fact that Batroc Ze Leapair is going to be in next Captain America movie. I could really care less if Robert Redford is in the movie, but I audibly cheered at my desk when I saw that Batroc was cast.