The Reverend Doctor Octopus

She’s as Black as our first Black President. Harry’s mother-in-law is still a Black woman with dreads. If Meghan wants to police her Blackness, so be it. However, when we as Black people police the Blackness of others, saying that they’re too light, too mixed, or not down enough to be invited to the cookout - we’re

Alleged traces of narcotics.

Still better then an average church goer.

Seriously, if your going to a church then you are probably already either 1) At the lower end of the IQ spectrum in the U.S. or 2) Old and about to die.

And Spanish is also the language (along with Italian and French) that asssigns a gender to every noun. How the hell are you going to un-do THAT? I just can’t see what was wrong with the collective “Latin” for a mixed gender group, and “Latino/Latina” for male and female.