
I wonder how many of f them were upset when the tea partiers were protesting after Obama took office? Were they a bunch of whiny snowflakes? I’m sure that they thought that those protests were patriotic. I guess the ladies were too peaceful...not enough talk about watering the tree of liberty with blood.

In the 40's women were in the workforce while men were at war. The Trumpkins want to drag us back to 1900. The pesky gals couldn’t vote then.

He has been suspended by the Park Ridge school board. Hopefully it’s permanent, but these assholes usually sneak back into their positions once attention is elsewhere.

Her dad is Quincy Jones.

He’d let Ivanka go first so that he could checkout her ass!

Fake cake for a fake president. (I know that the nightmares that he will inflict upon the country are all too real)

I’m so jealous! Thank him from me too!

Today was my first time too!!! My representative is Jan Schakowsky and has a good progressive track record, so I have some hope. Maybe if we all contact Democratic congresspeople they might grow some spines and join Reps. Lewis, Lee, Gutierrez, Clark, and Huffman.

I’m so sorry:(

And Rosie☺️

Please call your representatives and senators and ask the to not attend this illegitimate coronation. We all need to stand together.

I just wanted to encourage everyone to call your representatives and senators and ask them to not attend this farce. I just called mine and asked them to stand with John Lewis.

I’m so sorry and I understand. I suffered multiple pregnancy losses between my first and second. While I was struggling, several people told me that I was lucky to have the one (while true, it wasn’t comforting). I didn’t plan on getting pregnant again, but did and miscarried after we had our second. We eventually

I had a remote start installed in my car because of my dogs. I told the guy that installed it that I didn’t care about heating up my car on a cold day. I wanted to be able to keep the air conditioner running so that I could go to the bathroom when I travel with the dogs. He told me that a lot of his customers do the

Do you think that he listens to anyone other than Ivanka?

That’s all I want for Christmas!

I’d say guilty conscience, but I don’t think they even have one.

I will confess that this banana salad is something that my dad’s family makes, but they omit the lettuce. I used to eat it as a kid and liked it. It didn’t have as much mayo as Bobby and crew used. I haven’t eaten it in forever, but my parents still have it with dinner. It’s a weird combination of sweet, salty and

The FBI doesn’t care what he does.

FUCK 2016!