
I reread your post. I misinterpreted the “you”.

Thank you. Today I cried, but tomorrow I’ll start fighting again. I have three sons. The oldest one is 16. He is devastated by this election. It gives me hope.

I’m not sure if we are agreeing or disagreeing. I am upset with the misogynistic women who helped elect Cheeto Hitler to the White House. I am also upset with the progressive women who declared that they don’t vote with their vaginas and didn’t vote for Hillary because she didn’t pass some sort of purity test.

I was talking with my 80 year old liberal mother this afternoon. She said that the young women of today have no idea how hard fought all of the reproductive rights we have, the ability to receive a higher education and joining the workforce was. She remembers when classmates went to Canada to get abortions or had to

Instead of upside down, maybe he can fly his flag at half-staff for the next four years.

I came here to say that!

I understand. Between going back to standard time and my Trump Anxiety Disorder(TAD), my sleep is all jacked up.

Don’t you mean a Mazel Tov Cocktail?

You’re good people!

I hope that people noticed this. I think that his denial of Russian hacking is almost as bad as his reluctance to concede if he loses.

Did anyone notice that Trump said that he didn’t trust the intelligence community about Russia being the source of the DNC hacks?

I’m not would be awesome if it was!

While stinky and mean, ocelots at least have their dignity!

One can only hope. I used to wonder why they named him Barron. It must suck to know that you were named after your dad’s alias. Maybe that’s why he’s sad?

We call our nasal aspirator the nose sucker. We’re fancy like that!

One of the guys is on the Forbes 400, and you’d never know it by looking at him. He and his family are very nice and down to earth. The other guy isn’t quite as wealthy, and is the same way.

Feel free, I stole it from someone anyway.

You’re lucky! Donny Jr and Eric kept shooting the real lions, so now Barron has a stuffed one. They’re the reason that the Trumps can’t have nice things!!!!!

My dad had a friend who had an ocelot. He said that they are mean and they smell really bad.

Maybe Melania can pull a Marla Maples and move Barron as far away from Cheeto Hitler as possible. We all know that he’s going to get rid of her after the election.