
I’m not bragging, but I’ve met a few very wealthy people and been in their homes. While their homes are way bigger/nicer than mine, they don’t go out of their way to display their wealth (no gold toilets for these guys!). Most wealthy people try to not flaunt it. It really shows The Trumps’ insecurity that they are so

Look at Barron in the picture of the three of them. That is not a happy little boy. There is a part of me that feels sorry for him. However, I know that he is going to turn out to be a giant fuckwit like his older brothers.

My aunt passed away about six months before I became pregnant again. I had miscarried several times and was taking meds to help me. I started spotting off and on, but my doctor told me that everything was fine. I was awakened in the middle of the night by a voice that kept calling me by my name and telling me that I

My aunt passed away six months before I became pregnant again. I had tried se

My husband saw a homeless man preparing a crab for dinner in a restroom at Fisherman’s Warf. Another man told the first that he was eating like a king that night. Hubby left the bathroom and announced that it was time to leave.

My kids can only swear in English:(


No, they would the greatest, classiest supplements ever! Believe me, believe me!!! All other supplements are terrible, crooked...SAD!

When I was pregnant with my second one, I made and froze several lasagnas. I could heat one up and we would eat for a few nights. I’ve also made and frozen potato and wedding soups.

My son also has Autism. When I look back on his first year, I realize that there were signs that we missed because he reached all of his developmental milestones on time. However, he was overwhelmed by new environments, he only wanted me to hold him, and he did not like it when we attended baby playgroups. All of

My husband and I think that the cat did it!

Your harvest is so beautiful! I am jealous; I haven't been able to grow tomatoes since moving to Chicagoland.

Blake Shelton is everything that is wrong with America!

I think the human filming is the asshole. I'd bite him too. Poor Joey!

I was about to post the same thing. Ann Richards was a total badass! I still miss her.

I think you have a future planning Christian themed amusement parks! I would totally fork over money to go to your theme long as I can attend in an ironic way👼

So true!

We live in the Northwest suburbs. I thought the same thing.

I understand. He is in a school that blends special needs kids with typically developing peers. The school does a great job teaching acceptance. I hope that continues. However, out in the real world we’ve been subjected to comments about him. The worst are people telling us that if we disciplined him better he

Thanks! I'll look into it:)