
I guess it’s true what they say...if you meet one person with autism, you meet one person with autism. My guy feaks out when he sees birds. The smaller the bird, the more terrified he is. Things that I think should be scary or will cause a reaction; nothing

Our son has been in ABA therapy since he was not quite three. He’s done it for almost five years. I don’t know where we would be without it. We live in a great school district, so he receives a lot of support- social work, speech therapy, occupational therapy, etc...

Thank you! It is difficult, but we are in the fortunate position to get him all of the help he needs. Our goal is to make sure that he can live the best life possible with his disability.

One would think that they could exercise compassion and use their own judgement. I haven’t had trouble with the TSA with our son. However, he is still young and cute.

It’s getting harder for us to disguise our son’s situation. We aren't embarrassed about it, but people can be cruel.

Maybe it’s new? I contacted them about three years ago. Fortunately, my little guy handles traveling well and I have my teen and husband for help.

Thanks! We’ve been lucky...he likes to travel and loves airplanes. He likes cities (not typical for people like him) and does well in new environments. We got him into various therapies before he turned three, and I think that has made a difference.

I have a child with autism. This is my worst nightmare. I did call TSA the first time we traveled with him to see what accommodations could be arranged. They told me to go to their website, fill out a form and bring it to the airport. The form was a joke and the agents didn’t even look at it.

Liam was on Colbert last week. He was much funnier than I thought he’d be. I don’t know how to post links, but he did a bit about the Liam Hemsworth lifelike doll that was quite funny. That said, Chris is the better Hemsworth....he can bake a birthday cake!!!

I wonder how she would view this situation if she were the victim. I bet that she would classify it as “rape rape”. It scares me how some people seem to lack empathy. Hope she never goes out drinking with Brock Turner. Then again, anything that might happen wouldn’t be “rape rape”.

Who’s a good dog? Who’s a good dog?Logan’s dog is a good dog!!!

An adult fox ran up to me while I was working in my yard. I talked to it for a few minutes before it sauntered off. It was the best thing ever!!!!

I like Spanx bras. My favorite is the style that hooks in the front. It helps eliminate back fat. I've had mine for two years and they've held up well. I bought mine at Lord and Taylor and Amazon.

I remember that he was on the cover of all the teen magazines. It's scary how they sold his bad boy image to millions of teens. I never had a thing for him like some of my friends. I did enjoy some of his movies, especially Edward Scissorhands.

I’m glad that you are in a better place now.

I’m so sorry that you’ve been in these situations. I can’t imagine the terror that you lived through. I hope that your life is a million times better now.

I guess that I should add that he us still a jerk

I think that it was much easier to sweep everything under the rug pre-Internet.

I can’t really remember the details of his and Winona’s break-up. I remember more about him and Kate Moss and all of his jealousy issues. The gun thing sounds familiar.

As an old, I remember his “tumultuous” relationships with Kate Moss and Winona Ryder. I think he trashed a hotel when he was with Moss. There were hints of violence in the tabloids back then, but no one ever came out and said that the relationships were abusive.