
I'm not sure which. My mom always says that you can tell a lot about a person by the way he or she treats animals.

This is sad and not a prank:(. I hope there is a special place in hell for those assholes. Not only did they hurt an animal (which is bad enough), but they also messed with someone’s livelihood.

Our school’s policy was to allow seniors to skip finals as long as nobody did a senior prank. There was never a senior prank during my four years of high school. I think that the administration was quite wise....the seniors got out almost a whole week before everyone else. Of course that was over 20 years ago, but I

My husband was walking around Winnetka yesterday. I’ll ask him if he saw anything. The thing that worries me is the lake is right there. It was cold yesterday and she could have gone right in without anyone around to notice.

Think about the type of female political candidate that appeals to a lot of white middle class men. They like the Sarah Palin “pretty girl/tough girl type”. She takes political positions that are harmful to women. She talks tough (when she can actually string a sentence together). She likes “manly” hobbies like

She had a vegetarian restaurant in Akron, but I think she shut it down. I don't think that there is a huge market for that sort of thing there (I'm a native and know that it's a safe assumption).

She's from Akron.

I also have a son with autism. My son didn’t wake up one day with it. A vaccine did not cause it. I’ve read articles about detecting symptoms before the age of one. I can now see so many signs that weren’t obvious at the time.

I have a child with Autism. The anti-vaccination nonsense makes me so angry. I know that each child diagnosed has different backgrounds and experiences. Speaking for my family, there were signs that my little guy had issues in his first year of life. He was cranky, he didn’t like to be around other babies, and he

I’ll pass along your sympathies. However, he really hasn't done himself any favors attracting the ladies.

Sold!!! Off to find a sweet ‘88 Cutlass!!!

My parents bought me an ‘88 Cutlass Ciera. It was a retired rental car with a bench seat, tape deck, and sunken roof from idiots tying luggage on it. I loved it because it was mine! I keep threatening my 16 year old that I’m tracking that car down for him. Maybe I can buy Hillary’s?

When my husband sees a picture of Giada smiling, he swears her jaw is about to unhinge. He believes she eats small babies when nobody is looking.