
Do you agree on how the kids will be raised? Because I doubt the religious one will be ok raising children outside the faith, and the non-religious one will need to be prepared to jump in head first or be prepared to feel left out of and important part of the family life. My boyfriend’s mother says it was like having

1. You are not alone. I know so many couples who struggled in the first year. My pet theory is that everything suddenly gets much worse because instead of getting mad and thinking “will I put up with his crummy mood right now in this moment” you switch to “oh god can I be shackled to this asshole and his moods until I

His sentence was actually for possession of the knife, which means it may still stand. But, with any justice and much luck the search of his pocket will be ruled unconstitutional without a valid arrest for disorderly conduct, the knife will get thrown out as evidence, and his conviction will be overturned.

I don't know how big your company is, but if the negotiations didn't go well you should consider speaking to someone who practices employment law or go to the EEOC.

I agree with you, but don't you think it is valid to ask "why/how does someone end up hating women this much?" NOT what did women do to deserve this, or bring this on, but how did he end up so angry and delusional that he was willing to kill and to die for a horrific cause.

Ummm, Facebook link please!

I agree that the military strongly incentivizes marriage - with disastrous results including a divorce rate of over 80% - but I have a BIG problem with the argument that this is causing abuse and murder. You are (I am sure inadvertently) feeding into the seriously dangerous fairy tail that an abusive man would not be

Why will no one acknowledge that it is a diet coke bottle?!? I don't know why this bothers me so much, but it does...

Does this mean female prostitutes are in the clear?

I am confused - why are they seeking a male in his 20s if the students detailed the suspect?

Better than that, I went from hating everything about myself and my life to accepting myself on my worst days and really loving myself on my best. Tell your friend I said 'hey girl hey!'

Normally I enjoy my celebrity train wrecks as much as the next gal, but as someone celebrating my two-years-without-a-drink anniversary today (yehaw!), this just makes me sad. Girl, I see your bloated, pasty face, sad eyes and strange bruises. I know them well. Maybe I'm projecting, but I doubt it. There is a better

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Yes! Hippo farting videos! I could link hippo videos all day.

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I see your baby hippo and raise you one baby pigmy hippo!

Yes, correct and guide him, but without nagging him or acting like his mother.

The first picture concerns me though. Granted, I am equipped with a different set of bits, but I imagine post-vasectomy you DO NOT want an elbow resting anywhere near your crotch.

The Baltimore Sun, the worlds saddest and most defunct newspaper, finally has something to add to a news story!

I am a very poor recent graduate who has had to politely decline a number of invites to weddings and bachelorette parties in the last year. One of them was a bachelorette party for a not-so-close friend, and when I sent my regrets, the maid of honor (who I have never met) send me an email telling me I was still

Opps, just posted the same thing. Yes, yes I do. This bride sounds like she is the worst.