I’m not going to try and get in The Rock’s head, so I’m not defending what he’s getting at here per se, but I — as someone that clearly identifies as a liberal and supports the progressive movement, who can’t stand the right as it exists today — believe he makes a very good point, in general about a segment, not all,…
I’m also completely fed up with the contempt so many people have for the older female politicians who have been working for decades. There seems to be a paradox of younger women saying getting older is cool and wishing they had mentors, and then also telling older women that only young firebrands have the answers.
Has Jezebel noticed the several, even many, other women newly elected to congress or nah? Because this is getting a little Kardashian.
THANK YOU. This exactly. It’s actually a little distressing that we are so obsessed with putting AOC up on a pedestal, from which she will of course fall when she inevitably doesn’t live up to Perfecting Everything Immediately. This is some pretty mild criticism from colleagues she needs on her side, and we’re already…
One of the big disappointments in the US system, for me, is this unrelenting need to find the next big hero who is going to fix everything. The It Girl or Boy of the moment who says all the right things and there’s a collective swoon - and the same is true of the Villain of the Moment. To watch it occur, over and over…
I really like AOC’s policies, but the response of her colleagues seems pretty human; haven’t most of us been annoyed at a new coworker who shows up with grand ideas (that are potentially great and wonderful!) and starts pushing for them without even getting a sense of how those ideas might have failed in the past, or…
The Bezos Texts/pictures were leaked to the National Enquirer because they love Trump and Trump hates Bezos. I think that angle needs to be the focus rather than what Bezos looks like. The fact that a sitting president is using his influence to facilitate a stupid vendetta is very unsettling to say the least.
No. You don’t share your boyfriend’s dick pics with your friends. I don't care how close friends you are, you just don't. That's weird on so many levels.
I’m gonna venture a guess and say that he doesn’t think one’s privacy extends to abortion because he believes a fetus has the same rights as a fully grown person, so an abortion is a violation of the privacy of a fetus.
He was a congressman. He didn’t come from “utter obscurity” just because you weren’t personally aware of him.
I have read so many thinkpieces about how this show is at best a dystopian satire and yet everyone finds it fascinating and amazing regardless. Truly we will get what’s coming to us.
The story itself? Is balanced and makes useful and interesting news points about the possibilities of what O’Rourke is doing or may be doing in future.
And yet, not a stick of deodorant between the whole crowd.
Cranberry’s gone all yuppie/rich people ever since they built the huge corporate business parks around the Westinghouse and Penguins HQs.
The only reason to move to Pittsburgh is because you have some bizarre desire to put French fries inside a sandwich.
I certainly don’t disagree with you, but the feature piece that uses a paper-thin discussion of a “trend” as cover for the writer to really just write about themselves seems to be what we are stuck with.
“You’re talking about it wrong, says someone who’s willing to portray themselves as even more self-righteous than you are.”