
Me: Able to afford my $6000 of monthly medication for my chronic disease because it comes out to about $20 with ACA insurance. A plus: I get to keep my large intestine for a while longer.

Here’s my story with ‘being a victim of Obamacare’ (please note the heavy Sarcasm):

I would genuinely love to see someone approach the President, vomit, scream and then punch him.

The billionaire’s mentality (also my own commercial director’s):

Me- in AZ preexsisting condition, never was able to get married, own my property or work for more than $800 a month (I have 2 degrees) so I could be on Medicaid

No shit, I’ll never forget about an old coworker who was pissing and moaning about PEOPLE DOING HIS JOB getting $15 an hour for it. I was like, “You have kids that you married into, man... YOU KNOW HOW HARD YOU WORK AT THIS JOB. And you don’t think you deserve a living wage?? You’re fine with $11.00 an hour??!!!”

I commented upstream about this upstream, but “Victims of Obamacare” is already a thing (at least as a phrase). Pence tweeted the phrase out yesterday.

Ooo, I’ll add mine!

You’re giving him too much credit to ask that, even in jest. This isn’t about him not caring or being personally biased or catering to anyone. This is about propaganda, pure and simple. And I know you know all of this - I’m not trying to be pedantic - I just wish we could all start calling this what it really is. The

There is no “other side” with Republican politicians on anything.

Those millions don’t matter. If they weren’t covered before ACA it’s because they were bad people. Everyone knows that.

So... he’ll be meeting with himself?

And when will he be meeting with victims of the Trump administration?

He’ll need a Ouija board.

There has never been a shot of this creature that doesn’t make me want to vomit, scream, and punch it.

Whatever criticisms you can make of the ACA, at the end of the day he’s going to be talking to living, breathing people and not goddamn corpses.


That picture! I’m too grossed out to even think of something witty to say about it.