“I’m so surprised!” said no one.
“I’m so surprised!” said no one.
Agreed. That would be super cute!
Oh ffs, she’s not training North for a baby marathon. She’s teaching her about movement and having some fun. She sees Kim work out with a trainer, and kids want to do what Mommy does.
Oh yeah, I remember that. Jessica was the freaking worst. Seriously.
My favorite part was when a large contingent of us said “Hey, this is disrespectful and not funny” it was even more fodder for the whole humorless feminists trope. It was pretty disgusting. I emailed Jessica and her reply was such bullshit...basically it was “I think it’s funny and if you don’t like it, don’t read…
I soured on Jezebel (and the Gawker community at large) years ago ever since A.J. DeLaurio was “guest editor” on Jez for a day and spent the whole day publishing “Feminists are stupid hairy ugly fat got no sense of humour herp de derp” articles. And this was back when Jez was ostensibly a feminist site, enabled, of…
For all the people saying “YOU SHOULDN’T SEND HIM BACK TO THE SHELTER,” all the rescues/shelters (with the exception of city/state organizations) I’ve ever worked with, include a “return to rescue” clause if the adoption doesn’t work out. The likelihood is that this shelter did euthanize the poor dog, but most…
I don’t see the problem here. Hmm...maybe that’s the problem? RELEASE THE KITTENS!
Sexual consent can not be given if it can not be withdrawn. Consent doesn’t happen just once—it is an ongoing process. Someone can not consent to sex, if they are going to be unconscious during it, because they can not withdraw consent. Even if they sign on the dotted line, the sex is not consensual, because the…
If someone said that to me, it would likely be the last time he got brownies. :)
Counterpoint: We are all “fucking rare” but haven’t figured it out yet. :)
Counterpoint: If you are aware of your basicness, you are not basic.
I want a gentleman friend.
You’re welcome. :)
He’s 5 years old! Kids develop at different paces, and he’s totally normal. Let him use whatever makes him comfortable in the pool. Learning by fear is traumatic, and a lesson that will stick with him well into adulthood. Plus it will make learning to swim much harder. If you have the option, see if you can have some…
You are my hero.
I’m not sure why this is so unclear. If the children aren’t clearly invited, aka the invite is addressed to “Mr. and Mrs. Smith and Children,” they are not invited. Just like if the invite doesn’t expressly include “And Guest” there is no plus one.
I know what’s going on. There’s no mystery to why we’ve grown apart. It’s been going on for years, and I’m really just finally done with it.
This is excellent, and I am saving it as a template, because I will need it. Thank you.
You are my favorite kinja-er right now.