
Just a quick FYI if you do get this plant - it’s highly toxic to dogs and cats, so if you have a greens eater, get a spider plant. They’re impossible to kill, but if you pay attention, you get gorgeous plants that clean the air and lots of little babies. 

Because a lot of people live in cities, don’t own a car and and cabs/rideshare are just another transportation option. I’m not trying to have a conversation with the bus driver. Uber isn’t much different.

The best bath bombs are CBD bath bombs. I used to get them from a dispo, but they discontinued, so I have to find a new source. But other than that...bath bombs are the worst. I love epsom salt and essential oil in my bath, so if a bath bomb can deliver that and I don’t have to DIY, awesome. But I really don’t need

I grew up on homemade mayo. My mom is a fantastic cook and super-frugal, so I learned how to make it young. The best advice I can offer anyone is to use a food processor and take advantage of the small hole in the top of one of your lids or the bottom of a feeder tube. It’s specifically for emulsions and my old Black

It definitely has very specific uses, but it’s not a panacea and hemp-derived CBD isn’t terribly effective. I’m beta-testing a device that allows me to microdose CBD (I get crazy anxious if I take too much) and it’s pretty fucking amazing for neuropathic pain from fibromyalgia. But it’s full-spectrum and from medical

Cheaper and easier in terms of media production and partnerships, not access/quality. I’m a marketing wonk. But yes, I agree with you on all other points. Corporations 100% do not give a shit about anything except making money. 

I pay $5/gram at my dispensary. Sometimes $3 if I get 5 prerolls for $15. But I’m in Colorado and go to a med-only dispensary. With 4/20, ounces are $75. 

ME TOO! I have a whole dankifying process. What do you do?

Because sexual fidelity isn’t necessary for everyone. Every open relationship is different, because people are different. The health and wellness of the relationship depends on the people in it and their ability to communicate their needs.

For instance, I’m with a great guy right now who is dealing with some pretty

LOL - I meant easier and cheaper in the media sense. It costs less to partner and stage a stunt like this in Denver than in California. 

Nah. No one’s going to line up for this. Legal weed means everyone has access to CBD, which you can buy at every single gas station/convenience store along the Frong Range. It’s a stupid gimmick they’re doing in Denver because it’s cheaper and easier than California for this kind of stunt.

No, because I had those shoes in grad school and they were uncomfortable as hell. Steve Maddens look great but feel awful. Plus I badly sprained my ankle the first week I had them getting off the bus in the middle of campus. Did a full trip, roll and faceplant in front of several of my students. 

Ehh...bodies change. I quit drinking almost a decade ago because I was getting week-long hangovers without getting drunk. A lot of us lose the ability to metabolize alcohol as we get older. It has nothing to do with “doing it wrong.”

I’m 47 and had a small stroke in May. I woke up and couldn’t balance, at all. I’ve had bouts of vertigo before, so I called my doc, they said get yourself to the ER and luckily a friend of mine was only a few minutes away to drop me off. It turns out this was my second stroke—I have no idea when I had the first one. I

For the first time in my life I’m living in a place with very few Jews and absolutely no comprehension that not everyone likes or celebrates Christmas. I was fine with the holidays before. Now, I’ll stop hating Christmas when they (EVERYONE) stop shoving it down my damn throat with zero acknowledgment that there are

I’m so sorry. My comfort for your loss. 

Plain water burns, but saline feels amazing. It’s the same with contacts—you always use saline rather than plain water. FWIW, I have a nose-rinse tip for my water pick and it is the best thing ever. And here’s the pro-tip: If you’re really suffering, add a bit of baby shampoo. It doesn’t hurt and mildly soapy saline

Ummm...I just experienced my first breast orgasm last weekend and it was surprising and amazing. So yes...more breast/nipple play please!

Alan Arkin is always and forever Dr. Sheldon Kornpett, DDS. I imprinted on him when I was nine years old and I will always love him. I don’t know how he does it! The man is 84 years old, for dog’s sake and he is one of our greatest actors. Alan Arkin is a national treasure. Michael Douglas...ehhhh I’ll tolerate him.

It’s always too fucking early no matter when it happens. I don’t celebrate xmas and I hate the music shoved down my ears for two months wherever I go. Frankly, being Jewish right now is already anxiety-inducing enough. I don’t need constant aural assault to remind me I’m an outsider.

But if you must, the day after