
Yes. Yes I do.

Ehhh...I got no problem with it. It's not for the US market, and it definitely reflects a different sensibility. It has the same profile as a lot of UK advertising, which is to laugh at themselves for being completely fucking wretched. mean you're an adult and you have a life and responsibilities and shit?

Can I get those 57 seconds back? That was godawful.

House rule is the Toilet lid is ALWAYS CLOSED. It opens only when you are using it. I mean, jesus christ, it's fucking disgusting to leave it open. When you flush it sprays germs everywhere, plus who hasn't dropped something in a open toilet? on LW2. Terrible advice. The answer is to tell your friend that he needs to put on his big boy pants and, ask if dishes have any meat in them and stop making you responsible for his diet. If you want, you can say "hey dude that might have meat so you should ask," but his diet is not your responsibility.

Little Earthquakes was my favorite CD in college, and I played it endlessly. It instantly brings me back to my first solo apartment. I close my eyes and 20 years melt away. Wow.

Put 17 products on your face so you can look like you're not wearing any makeup.

I was 85% sure I was going to get an iPhone when I switched from blackberry, but using my friend's huge HTC one convinced me. I have small hands, and I want something that's easy to use, can slip in my my pocket and is relatively discreet. I don't watch movies, tv or play games on my phone so I have no need for a big

I'm getting a pixie cut soon. I've been waiting for my hair to grow in thicker after starting on thyroid replacement this summer. I fucking love having short hair and I look fantastic with a pixie. I'll probably get one sooner than spring, in fact. My hair is growing in (not drastically but enough) and I'm soooo tired

I can only speak anecdotally. My cats' health dramatically improved when I put them on a grain-free high protein food. Less dander, less poop, higher energy, better teeth and they lost weight, which they needed as tubby indoor couch warmers. It's also been better for my allergies. Plus I can feed them less because

I swear you are the only person on this thread who understood what I was saying. I must have been really unclear.

I'm in my 40s and I still enjoy it, but I don't think smoking weed gives me cool points, because I'm not 19, or annoying.

Yeah...that's the point. 19 year olds are more likely to talk about how awesomely cool they are. 40 year olds aren't. They just quietly enjoy their thing.

I actually know quite a lot about hallucinogens. I just don't think injesting substances makes people "cool." I enjoy my vices for sure, but I'm not under the illusion that I'm doing anything counterculture or revolutionary.

Lol I tried that but it destroyed my acrylic piece. If it were glass, I'd do that.

Perhaps I didn't make myself clear. People of all ages enjoy their buzz, myself included. But most grow out of thinking there's any cool quotient. It's just life, not a subversive act.

Oh I still enjoy it and I'm over 30. I just don't think it's particularly subversive or cool. It's the same as having a beer or glass of wine as far as I'm concerned.

Using mind altering substances of any kind is cool when you're 19 and not cool when you're 40. Unless you're a pretentious ass and enjoy boring everyone with how your grape, microbrew or strain is incredibly rare and interesting and special.