
You were warned that Affirmative Action would cause standards to go down....

A person's history and identity should be left at home and not brought to work with them.

Of course it is, as I said. It's just that it happens much, much more in black and Hispanic culture.

Alleged rapes and rapists. Just because a man accused of rape walks free, it doesn't mean a rapist got away with it. And just because some women claim to have been raped and never reported it, it doesn't mean it's true, especially since they have their own definition of rape that has no legal basis. Those statistics

It's not "entitled" if it rightfully belongs to you. The people who are entitled are the jealous minorities who want to steal what isn't theirs.

I didn't say they never are, just that minority males are much more likely to be so. It's just part of their culture.

Domestic violence is actually more common within same-sex relationships. Some of the most brutal murders are committed by jealous lesbian partners. Brutal as in stabbed over 100 times and the body mutilated beyond all recognition.

So I'm the bad guy for pointing out bigotry?

1) The girl that was murdered was Hispanic, and so was one of the classmates who was quoted.

White men rape and kill women, but minority males do it much, much more. The DOJ statistics will confirm that for you.

You're sick.

We live in a society where just over 50% of the electorate is female.

The link's not working properly.

I don't know, most of them just become miserable, man-hating feminists instead.

So it may or not be him....that's your evidence?

They weren't the "overwhelming majority", that is feminist propaganda. And remember, many of the accusers were also women themselves.

How do you know?

That's just their culture. They don't respect women.

I read your link - where does it say he was white?