I really hope that somebody down there will do me a solid and punch North Carolina Rep. Robert Pittenger squarely in the face.
I really hope that somebody down there will do me a solid and punch North Carolina Rep. Robert Pittenger squarely in the face.
As protestors fill the streets Thursday expressing anger and frustration at the Tuesday death of Keith Lamont Scott…
Not to be outdone the WNBA has announced that next year referees will make a point of emphasis on boxing out properly.
it’s frowned upon
Marla Maples is a classic example of a woman who got far more shit for her involvement in an affair than the man who was actually married, with three children. She is forever brandished as some slut, while her partner in crime is running for President.
and also that she retains a botanist
My takeaway is that there is literally no advice you could give to a black man to keep him safe on a police stop.
My first thought, when I found out the shooting officer is a woman, “She’s getting charged.”
So to review:
So she didn’t just shoot him despite the fact that his hands were up. She shot him BECAUSE he put up his hands?
ABC, you pack of stupid twats. Don’t insult this woman by asking for neurological/memory tests.... UNLESS you’re also going to demand an entire of psychiatric examinations for Trump. Because I’ll eat somebody’s shorts if he doesn’t have a pack of personality disorders sloshing around in that barrel of brawling…
It is? I’ve never thought huckster had any racial connotations. Hmm.
His recent “Obama is american, I guess” press conference turned hotel promotional tour is perhaps the finest evidence yet that his whole candidacy is just a Trump Brand Expansion effort that got a little out of hand.
He doesn’t just cheat at golf. He cheats at running CHARITY golf tournaments.
He doesn’t just cheat at golf. He cheats at running golf tournaments.