
Donald Trump sees the U.S. military as little more than a mercenary force. For hire by the highest bidder. Is anyone surprised?

To the LW: Stop pretending to be offended. You don’t like rap. It’s okay, not everyone has to. My advice would be to make friends in the kitchen. Shoot the shit about music you do like and maybe you’ll find some common ground. Then just make suggestions sometimes. “Hey, have you guys heard the new *blank* record? I

It’s their work. Not your work. Not. Your. Work.

Why would Amy Klobuchar mention herself?

Except that money isn't being lost to a flood that happened a long time ago. It's being paid into the General Fund. To the tune of tens of millions of dollars. This past fiscal year the PLCB profit was something like $190 million.

Really though, some things are more expensive and some things aren’t. If it’s sales tax you’re concerned about, okay. I guess. I have it on good authority that there are both wines and spirits that are better priced in PA. Sometimes significantly.

Im looking forward to when privatization passes in PA if only for people like you who are going to be SHOCKED when prices skyrocket. And then you’ll drive over to Total Wine in DE, sure that it must be the bad ol gubmint’s fault again somehow, and realize prices skyrocketed there too.

You can buy beer in most grocery stores as well as at private businesses called beer distributors. Google is your friend, they’re all over. You can buy wine in some grocery stores and both wine and liquor in state stores. If youre near philly or Pittsburgh they’re all over the place. Again, google Fine Wine and Good

No! Don’t primary a Democrat in Delaware! The voters there are too conservative! Coons is the best we can get!

Yeah yeah yeah yeah. Okay. Sure. But. In rebuttal. Kavanaugh likes beer. So. Case closed.

Look, I know that having control over what a woman can and can’t do with her body is the only way you can get off, but enough is enough.

Speaking of lazy analysis...pot meet kettle

Gimme a break. As if no private company ever runs out of something or misjudges the amount of product they'll need. You're aware that both private comapnies AND the government are both run by people right?

Don't worry about it. As soon as we elect Biden all these Republicans will start being nice and work with Democrats 

Oh for sure. Carlson isn't smart enough to come up with this on his own. 

Tucker Carlson has been desperately trying to redefine “left” and “right.” He wants to be able to claim that any authoritarian government is, by (his) definition on the left.

There is a subset of middle class “liberals” who don’t want everyone to have the same healthcare because they enjoy feeling superior to those people who don’t.

He folded it hot dog way? Does that make his letter of resignation a sandwich?

I had Bret Stephens pegged as more of a Yankees fan...

The title needs an edit.