That’s cool. But I’d be more excited if it were more Detroiters
That’s cool. But I’d be more excited if it were more Detroiters
Biggest ommissions for me:
It has worked before.
real sex should have been number 1
Nobody’s saying the government should force him to be quiet, they’re using their free speech to call an asshole an asshole.
That would require an iota of intelligence or empathy, neither of which this idiot has demonstrated. Based on their responses, they are incapable. (Transphobics: See how I did that, by the way? I don’t know the gender identity of the person I am referring to so I used ‘they’. It’s really very easy.)
Once you accept that about 1/3 of people pride themselves on not having the empathy the rest of us develop in childhood, society makes a lot more sense.
“I don’t think what Dave Chapelle has said or done is hatred towards trans people.”
Love me some spice, but it has to have flavor. In my younger days, sure I would go nuts with my roommate over who could handle the higher heat levels (this was when habaneros were still the hottest pepper widely available) regardless of flavor. Those were also the days when the hottest sauces were made with extracts…
Well, I saw this and just finished the next episode since I think AMC + releases them one week early. Anyway, knowing this show is coming to a close is why I’m sticking with it. Out of morbid curiosity on just how they’ll end the show that will lead into other movies and spin offs.
Is there any money in it for me?
Ah, yes, upbeat fun music that still manages to address real issues at the same time. Better shit alllll over that.
William, how does it feel to be a stenographer for the CIA’s propaganda arm? Was the student loan debt from journalism school worth this debasement?
This probably didn’t happen, Radio Free Asia is a propaganda arm of the CIA and I haven’t seen any legitimate news sources report on this.
If I may be the voice of reason here, Ba Wi Ta Bah Banana Fana Figgy Wiggy You Set The Boogie Set Up Chuck The Boogie. My Name Is KEEEEEEEEEED!! RAWK! RAWK! RAWK! Thank you.
It doesn’t have to be his fault to lead to suicide. I think he’s fucked. And a part of me is grinning, because all his life he has been a complete asshole.
What the fuck? What a horrible comment.
It makes me wonder if firearms get “borrowed,” used at a local firing range (or somewhere) for kicks, and then returned to set. I can't see how else a live round would get in there.
$2.4 million? I thought he had $1.5 million.